Friday, January 12, 2018

“Where do we live” and “where to die"

Must click links

We are in the local cluster of Laniakea super cluster, which has a star sol in a galaxy milky way; on a planet called earth. In aalan

Virgo supercluster is a neighbour, rather than us! You could extend it to the pc in front of you. And pregnant science says - our universe is in multiverse.

This madness is science, which has toexplain even nomenclature in terms of something empirical - when is something a planet, star, galaxy, super cluster; the referenced utube video explains some beautifully.

Dying on Mars

If we’reever going to send humans to Mars, we’re going to need water—whether it’s for drinking and growing food for settlers, or to convert into hydrogen to fuel the trip home. Scientists have long known that the Red Planet is home to plenty of water ice, but they haven’t been able to gauge its purity or potential for mining. Until now. As science writer Robbie Gonzalez reports, researchers have discovered eight sites on Mars where, thanks to land erosion, vast quantities of ice are available. And that ice is looking incredibly pure.
It’s going to take a lot of work to drill down to the ice and analyze its composition, and we likely won’t know much more until 2020, when NASA and the European Space Agency are slated to launch new Mars rovers. But the very existence of the ice is cause for celebration: If it is indeed as pure as geologists suspect, human survival on Mars becomes a whole lot more plausible. As Gonzalez writes, “optimistic timelines put our arrival on the Red Planet sometime during the 2030s. Where we land, how long we visit, and what we bring along will all depend on the resources that await us—and how hard we’ll have to work to get them.”

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