Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Arun Arya 6-dimensional universe

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Theory of six dimensions - Ouspensky and David Deutsch

To Einstein goes the credit of making time as a special but as realistic as the three spatial dimensions. That is hence a 4D universe with 3 spatial and one temporal dimensions. I have argued that quantum mechanics implies 2 or more temporal dimensions. QM also implies another spatial dimension through Hall effect! Thus we have a six or more dimensional universe, at least reachable through current experiments in real universe!

The extra temporal dimension is motivated by efforts to reconcile Everett’s many worlds in a parsimonious way. It leads to computational methods in quantum chemistry. The extra spatial dimension comes from attempts to reconcile many Hall effect results which is best done by assuming that the experiments are on many 3D images of a single 4D object!

By placing together two specially designed 2D setups, two separate teams of researchers - one in Europe and one in the US - were able to catch a glimpse of this fourth spatial dimension through what's known as the quantum Hall effect, (required read to understand rest) a certain way of restricting and measuring electrons. 
"Physically, we don't have a 4D spatial system, but we can access 4D quantum Hall physics using this lower-dimensional system because the higher-dimensional system is coded in the complexity of the structure”.
In two dimensions, when classical electrons are subjected to a magnetic field they follow circular cyclotron orbits. When the system is treated quantum mechanically, these orbits are quantized. The energy levels of these quantized orbitals take on discrete values:
{\displaystyle E_{n}=\hbar \omega _{\text{c}}(n+1/2),}E.n = h-bar w.c (n + ½)
where ωc = eB/m is the cyclotron frequency.
he European team's setup involved atoms cooled down close to absolute zero and placed in a 2D lattice through the user of lasers, described as "an egg-carton-like crystal of light" by the researchers.
With the addition of extra lasers, the team was able to implement a quantum "charge pump" to excite the trapped atoms and get them moving. Slight variations in the movement spotted by the researchers match up with how a 4D quantum Hall effect would ripple out – adding weight to the possibility that a fourth spatial dimension can be somehow accessed.
The US experiment also used lasers, this time to control light as it flowed through a block of glass. By manipulating the light to simulate the effect of an electric field on charged particles, again the consequences of a 4D quantum Hall effect could be observed.

My philosophy

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