Monday, January 1, 2018


Means scientific theory of big bang. What is this Universe I was born in? I distrust all but science! It uses my extended semantics of science – falsifiable now or expected or derives science. If-now, it is classic definition of science. If-expected then my extension, admits NO religion, but allows me to consider pre-big bang and multi-verse theories as science and still label others not discussed here to be pseudo-science.

Only falsifiable cosmogony and issues it raises are here. Knowing it solves the problem of fine tuning of constants of physics. However it does not yield any new prediction.

This references six video that are collectively six hours. They are fun and educative. If you have the time, excellent material. In each case, I provide a brief preview. The loveliest of all is that all point to difficulties in others that are always answered. Collectively, ALL the six are considered legitimate alternatives and they are mutually non-unify able! 5 are wrong, and I can’t decide which one!
Cosmology is answers about our Universe. Scientists agree that universe began in big bang. (if you disbelieve, POINTLESS CONTINUE). What is it? What was before? What is the expected falsifiability? For these, you turn to cosmogony, somewhat like religion but not, with none but  (conventionally identified) scientists as pathfinders.

The questions I had were

1.       Mass - Where did the mass come from? Space came from growth expansion.
2.       Explosion - What caused the big bang?
3.       Science - What will falsifiable consequences be?
4.       Derivation - What falsifiable derivations happen?
5.       Entropy – of the past. What happened to it (second law)
Machine nary - Laws, constants, math-effectiveness,. time-in variance.

The references are mildly dated I have two extra vital references.

1.       Big bang is no longer an excellent derivation.The imprint of spectral lines from quantum particles are present in CMB! That can happen only if the entire universe was atom size once!

2.       Entropy can be lost by quantum particles at once high energy and low (QM needed!). The loss of entropy is not necessary through horizon point of Ashtekar in LQG or weak mechanism of CCC! In my model, singularities are not needed as matter crunches down to maximum density before exploding. Same happens to black holes which evaporate till the final explosion.

After the big bang is cosmology. Was there a before?

The order is deliberate – order of my belief.

Cyclic model to infinity, repeated big crunch then big bang. Escape crunch/bang neck by beyond science. Predict circles in CMB – controversial seen or not –in B-modes i.e. CMB with polarization, from gravity waves from large black holes merging in previous edition of universe. eLisa can tell when she flies in 30’s. I am fearful that it will be European glory, and not American, like internet!

Cyclic model to infinity, repeated big crunch then big bang. Only logical way out for mass, crunch and explosion – mass from previous edition, crunch down not to singularity but maximum density of plank scale cube with side like 10 plank length, explosion to bang once maximal density of space. Entropy lost by quantum particles, not horizon.

3 string theory variants
Loveliest of the lot, most comprehensive, known and greatest admirers and workes. Still in the middle because it predicts super-partners, not seen. A piece of matter or photon-likes are strings at the deepest levels. Simply integer number of waves means quantize d. But where are the super-partners? Silent about black matter and energy, which I believe does not exist - black energy is a constant term in Einstein, black matter is explained by Linde's work.

4 Guth’s eternal inflation theory – compatible with my method crunch/bang. Post bang inflation starts dying by half lives. Inflation image possible in past too!

The classical model, time itself starting at bang, no idea why bang happened or size of universe mass.

The most amazing model which imagines closed time loops (IE travel to past) and escapes grandfather paradox (ie killed) by alternate reality.

My philosophy
Constants - ratios of properties of geometric objects

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