Wednesday, January 10, 2018

21 century after the years of IITK fun long ago

There is one link to an internet link farm where the matter in this write up can be accessed in detail. Humanity is on an exponential curve that makes reading the future very perilous for all but me – future is not polynomial extrapolation of the past! How can one predict, even approximately? By predicting unlike authors – one cannot leave out steps but predict based on hard philosophical steps in only a reasonable implementation! The future, so foretold, must happen at the predicted time or faster if someone achieves the sub-goals faster, with brand new disruptive technology. Enough can be achieved today to even make slowest lines predicted to be exciting.

Death by desire or rare accidents: Death is a time bound event to those who take care of themselves and escape accidents. The culprit is aging and the effects are universal after 80. Several ways exist to give boost, I use all of them on self. These include religious exercise, metformin, niagen and coQ10. These give me comfortable 90 to progressively bad 100. Clearly then, I need a boost within 25 years to 35. Whatever way is found will be expensive (e.g. niagen or mitoq). One must intersperse the goal; of delayed death WITH FUNDING THE NEXT INCREASE.

How will that happen? Partly by breakthroughs in hibernation. Partly by medical breakthrough in DNA repair. But these will add to vitality while incrementing life span like 5 years! Aging is not proportional to being wild – there are rare exceptions like well-aged sedentary, fat smokers. However if one computes expensive but proper genetic profile, the realised age to genetic predisposition is in fact proportional to self-care. Smoking and fat are injurious to health despite exceptions.

True first gain in age is unlikely from telomere manipulation according to my philosophy. I believe strongly that telomere length is an indicator of cellular age and not a cause of aging. Situation is like cholesterol and heart disease, improving cholesterol numbers do not affect the disease events. In general, the curing of indicators does not benefit the patient! Hibernation seems to truly benefit simple animals only. The benefits are quite low by the time of complexity of a bear! External counter-pulsation is an excellent mode to improve vitality but has no longevity benefits. Rapamycin and friends work for simple animals like yeasts.

That does not exhaust the positive predictively! The essential ways that enable any live being to live 3000 years and whales to live 300 years is this. Almost any cellular being falls to cancer. That is because cancer is part of every live body. Cancer cells are not special. They are normal cells which refuse to die! Normally, healthy surroundings enclose this cell which dies from lack of food. When the cell survives by infecting near cells to creation of blood supply, a tumour is produced. If parts of a tumour go into blood and travel to other parts, metastases of cancer occurs and eventually the organism dies.
Why do whales and some trees live long despite being much more likely to be cancerous! When cell divides, it is very useful to have another cell available in case the division was faulty. The extraordinary density of cells in whales gives them immunity from cancer formation. In long-lived trees, the roots continuously send stem-cells, available at divide time. If the current cell is aged, the division is unlikely to survive. However not a problem since a stem cell is present!

This trick does not work in higher animals with lot more specialization. However qn Indian doctor in USA has done amazing work on transfection. A mouse leg was damaged till it dried to a stumf. A transfection was done by extracting skin cells, processing them to certain kinds of stem cells and appending them at certain distance FROM INJURY. Miraculously, the injury healed and life returned to dying limb..

So I await a transfection miracle in next 25 years.

My philosophy

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