Monday, January 1, 2018

Counterfactual Quantum Communication

I have never been blown out of mind, as I was when I saw this story.

Counterfactual means an interaction-free measurement Cf history for eg is where a historian says (if x then y) even when known that -x happened! .Dated Mid December last year, so veracity checking still on, but this link is good. Counterfactuality requires a quantum channel between sites, which means that there exists a tiny probability that a quantum particle will cross the channel—in that event, the run of the system is discarded and a new one begins. It works because of the wave-particle duality that is fundamental to particle physics: Particles can be described by wave function alone.

Well understood as a workable scheme by physicists, theoretical aspects of counterfactual  have appeared in journals, but until recently, there have been no practical demonstrations of the phenomenon. Read more at:
I understand the principle – Zeno effect in quantum mechanics, my belief it is basic to FTL (Faster than Light) communications, best possible since QM no-go theorem can derive the impossibility of material objects travelling at greater than light speed. Will there be no-go for Zeno effects?

Zeno effect is not even regular quantum mechanics, QM strangeness from two things

2.       Contrary states at the same time - well-known is Schrodinger-cat joke – alive and dead same time!
Zeno effect is even more magical than QM!

It is state communication without even entanglement – provided there is a quantum channel between source and target! These may never have interacted in the past to get entangled particles! It makes QM sense (not Einstein) to imagine that entanglement remains no matter how far the partners are. If you do something to one, it happens to the other. If you measure, the entanglement is destroyed. But each entangled can become entangled BEFORE being measured to another local. So now one can destroy one entangled pair to transmit one bit, but there is another entangled pair!

Above is entanglement magic to allow me to dream of FTLcommunication someday! But Zeno is magic even by QM standards. No particle is exchanged, no entanglement is needed! You set up a bit sender at one end, and a measure apparatus at other end, no matter how far. The sending end simply displays the bits at send end. At the receive end, you just measure using a Zeno receiver. And you get the bits!

Each bit at receive end is three detectors. If two are same and third on then 0, 1 if different. If the third is zero then error!

Chinese have advanced to sending an image of zero! Theoretically possible. Claim is demonstrated experimentally, says the story. Zeno effect can probabilistically tell if a Elitzur–Vaidman light triggered bomb is live or dead without sending a photon, by QM, most of the time! A big crunch can loseentropy using QM particles and my mechanism at universe boundary can be truewithout math tricks of CCC.

Arun Viewpoint

Quantum channels drop off in fidelity as distance squared. This means this mode is great for bluetooth like connections. But the real FTL needs entangled bits.

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