Saturday, January 13, 2018

Building aalan – 2 block-chain

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This project is special in that I view new syntax more necessity and a virtual clientele who would be there when it is offered as a product. It expands Go in 3 directions I consider crucial

1.       Multiple-inheritance
2.       Non-deterministic programming
3.       Built-in block-chain

It removes in-build memory management. Rust idea of language supported reference counting and help in avoiding reference loops is very important. So is language provide block-chain for all applications. Unit the ability of separating intentions from executions, letting robots do them progressively more, automating continuously is basic reason for new syntax, not just library improvements. From python comes the idea of infinitely extensible language whenever the syntax is not needed, and from Go the point of brevity.

NO language provides ANY of these 3 despite the need for them! Reason is simple, MI requires new algorithms only I know, even though easy to do in slow interpreted languages, non-deterministic programming is limited to compilers area, while block-chains are only being done by deep pockets even though the goal is to kill the deep pockets. Quickly the world will consist of deep pocket users of block-chain attempting murderous first-mover patent attacks, from which India will be lot safer than USA.

This is about block-chain and its presentation for any application, not just crypto-currency. All bold nouns can be safely replaced by homogenous chains. The aalan world has Clients conversing with Agents who talk to miners. An agent is smart enough to code and decode. All the Miners maintain a transcript in local private order. At the same time, they are involved in a statistically fair tournament. Whenever one wins, the win is broadcast as a transaction. Let us assume that there is a global unique number (originating miner. Serial) of every transaction. The victory transaction has an ordered list of the winner. Now everyone defers to this order! A miner can have some extra items which are moved to next block. Some missing ones, are gotten from known miners. I assume that the item itself has encrypted text such that a miner can’t understand. Note that I describe the supermedioum block chain free of miner contention. In normal block-chain, contention winner is recognised as competent to extend current hash-block.

That contention serves no purpose is the major point in my favor. The miners win round-robin every period and then broadcast their block. Every one rejects even one block with ANY error of double spend or undirected points. Every one, when their time, send their block time signatured by self. Eliminating contention saves enormously on electricity! It is provably fair! No-one can cheat without without cheat creating blocks of every miner. Any lesser speed is useless!

Once a block is complete in a miner, he send the block to a local cloud. Per miner, many lists of client are kept. The agent chooses which list per transaction. The local cloud is a reliable Ethernet connected net or fast multiprocessor (super medium). The entire block is broadcast. Decryption only happens in the selected representative for client. No miner can make sense of encryption.

A suspicious client is welcome to act as own agent!

Let us walk through two application – loyalty points and smart contract.

Loyalty points – Agent accepts money and gives loyalty points.  Miner does the duplication, so ALL miners get the same message. Super medium does the duplication, so all representatives get the same copy. If message is (A give n points to B) every one ensures A has n points. If so all subtract the amount from A and add to B. Here Agent is A and customer B. If B cashes some loyalty points, B gives to A. A starts infinity and B starts 0.

Smart contract - smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties. These transactions are track able and irreversible. Smart contracts were first proposed by Nick Szabo in 1994. New institutions, and new ways to formalize the relationships that make up these institutions, are now made possible by the digital revolution. I call these new contracts "smart", because they are far more functional than their inanimate paper-based ancestors. No use of artificial intelligence is implied.

  • Subject of the contract
The program must have access to goods or services under contract to lock and unlock them automatically.
  • Digital signatures
All the participants initiate an agreement by signing the contract with their private keys.
  • Contract terms
Terms of a smart contract take the form of an exact sequence of operations. All participants must sign these terms.
  • Decentralized platform
The smart contract is deployed to the block-chain of this platform and distributed among the nodes of the platform.
They can be used in untold number of ways.
1.       Elections
2.       Logistics (Businessman – goods/warehouse customer)
3.       Titles (owner contract customer)
4.       Contract (provider service customer)
Among fuckable are most government servants, lawyers middlemen politicians … Lets privatize them all!

A transaction tax can be imposed on goods as well as smart contracts. NO corruption is possible! Depending on political will, different taxation rates can be applied depending on who does this type of transaction more!

My philosophy

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