Saturday, January 20, 2018

More on Baysian medicine

Its basis is the Krebs’s cycle that underlies aging and not a known recognized ailment. Krebs’s cycle is complex and can be approximated by three – Citric acid, NADH-NAD+ and ATP-ADP. Actually there are several cycles as sub cycle of the main Krebs-citric acid cycle but the idealization merging many sub cycles into 1 makes sense, as does merging ATP=ADP and GTP-GDP cycles. We are not very interested in chemical details or location.

3.       Citric acid cycle is addressed by alpha-lipoic acid. Lipoic acid is co-factor to five chemicals at least! At least 2 are part of Krebs cycle.

Currently, as I believe immensely in my own research and extensive many year chasing of references, subjecting to my suspicious epistemology and total ignore post even mildly believable accusations essentially resolved by guilty-unless-proven-innocent paradigm; I take these -

1 Niagen (progress to NMN soon) for NADH-NAD+

2. Alpha – Lipoic Acid for citric Acid

3. CoQ10 + Shilajit (Ramdev) for ATP-ADP

4. A-Z vitamins for trace completeness

5. Calcium and D3 sachet - welcome to India and Sun escape.

Despite plethora of Diseases, bad teeth eyes, and soles from past rampant diabetes, with above, food control and exercise I live hopeful of surviving to the point my psychological deficits can be addressed.

Ingredients can be combined in to cheaper balanced East-West nutraceuticals at least as pure as the suppliers, transparently identified (Suppliers would welcome free publicity), aggregated in my communitarian-libertarian ways (transparent limited mark-up). For this purpose, a franchise from Ramdev or Sriveda is a perfect way to go and a possible escape from SS.

Just in case you wish to go alone, consider that

1.       The dosages are critical as is relational to food and details of administration

2.       Results of self and family experimentation (4 man years) is there. By the time you are done, n*num-customer years of more experience with me. What is more, absent IBE and Super-medium, no one can catch me!


4.       You have to consider joint effects!

Best do not try, except under strict guidance!                             

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