Sunday, January 28, 2018

Mixing relativity and quantum mechanics - confused Sir Schrodinger?

A meaningful combination into quantum gravity is known to be central problem in physics today. Deep thought into this problem has presented some twists. Fundamental to relativity is the total denial of any special coordinate system. That and constancy of speed of light in any system is enough to derive all of special theory of relativity. That it is sufficient, together with symmetries being sufficient to derive other basic physics interactions at particle level, are enough in my mind to conclude

1.       Physical laws are not magical or divinely configured but consequences of geometry. This conclusion if further strengthened by being able to derive some constants as inevitable consequences of geometric ratios. Given that geometry itself is an emergent phenomenon from planck quantization of space and time, is the final straw in many extreme effects.

2.       Above leads one to examine quantum phenomenon as inevitable consequences of coordinate systems and great gap between neutrino sizes and planck sizes! Neutrinos are very hard to even show existence of! Very elaborate, huge and many yearlong investigations are required to even get data on neutrinos. Experiments include huge caverns, one km cube of ice at south pole, half the world production of Xenon for ten years, sea bottom in Mediterranean etc.

This note is about coordinate thinking applied to Schrodinger cat and my confusion. Consider a coordinate system attached to an observer outside the system. Clearly the cat is in superposition, alive and dead same time. But relative to a system attached to cat, the cat is alive or dead! No complication! That the elaborate preparation of the scientist complicated his quantum state. But not the cats! So my confusion – A particle may be at once in mixed quantum state. But to say an extended object is, either says EVERY particle is at once in mixed quantum state simultaneously, say once in 10^100  CCC universes, a VERY rare happening indeed, or the poor scientist has managed to make his state mixed, these are the two possibilities! There is nothing magical happening. Perhaps the only confused is Sir Schrodinger!

Independent of, similar to, but later to Sir Stonjek, who provides evidence  that perhaps I am  lot less confused.

 Questioning Single World interpretation of QM

There is an  interesting thought experiment, called Wigner’friend from above (makes the link fun reading). It shows the collapse standard interpretation gets into hot water! But the point below shows that ANY single world interpretation, including my earlier own Bohm’s, is either wrong or QM is non-unitariity (All probabilities do not add to one!) So only survivor is Everett's many world or my synthesis by 2D time!

Single-world interpretations of quantum theory cannot be self-consistent

According to quantum theory, a measurement may have multiple possible outcomes. Single-world interpretations assert that, nevertheless, only one of them "really" occurs. Here we propose a gedanken-experiment where quantum theory is applied to model an experimenter who herself uses quantum theory. We find that, in such a scenario, no single-world works interpretation can be logically consistent. This conclusion extends to deterministic hidden-variable theories, such as Bohmian mechanics, for they impose a single-world interpretation. This is done by proving

Main result (informal version) There cannot exist a physical theory T that has all of the following properties:

 (QT) Compliance with quantum theory: T forbids all measurement results that are forbidden by standard quantum theory (and this condition holds even if the measured system is large enough to contain itself an experimenter). 

(SW) Single-world: T rules out the occurrence of more than one single outcome if an experimenter measures a system once.

 (SC) Self-consistency: T’s statements about measurement outcomes are logically consistent (even if they are obtained by considering the perspectives of different experimenters).

I interpret this result as denying all interpretations but three multiple worlds (Everett's many world, quantum chemistry some world, mine oneworld 2D time) and QBism (B=Bayesian). Mark my words, 2018 is Quantum-interpretation semifinals!


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Outline of aastoicism, natural philosophy to live by - nature

Marcus Aurelius, the Stoic emperor, my hero and only superior
self-link Must click links

Answers most doubts in my mind in life - universe, distinctions, aging etc,makes me a complete human and God concept was never needed. Not even "who lit the big bang match!"

A natural philosophy implies a complete philosophy of nature outlined here; and of universe birth (cosmogony) and science (cosmology) life-origins (evolution), birth, living (individualism), cooperation (politics), aging and disease (health)  – discussed elsewhere.

The name celebrate me and modern stoicism. Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that flourished throughout the Roman and Greek world until the 3rd century AD. Stoicism is predominantly a philosophy of personal ethics which is informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world. According to its teachings, as social beings, the path to happiness for humans is found in accepting this moment as it presents itself, by not allowing ourselves to be controlled by our desire for future pleasure or our fear of future pain, by using our minds to understand the world around us and to do our part in nature's plan, and by working together and treating others in a fair and just manner. Stoicism was founded in Athens by Zeno of Citium in the early 3rd century BC. The Stoics taught that emotions resulted in errors of judgment which were destructive, due to the active relationship between cosmic determinism and human freedom, and the belief that it is virtuous to maintain a will (called prohairesis) that is in accord with nature. Because of this, the Stoics presented their philosophy as a religion (lex divina), and they thought that the best indication of an individual's philosophy was not what a person said but how a person behaved.[1] To live a good life, one had to understand the rules of the natural order since they taught that everything was rooted in nature

As has been repeatedly said by me since 2001 and by many top physicists for 50 years, the central problem in physics is the mating of Einstein’s relativistic gravity and Bohr’s quantum mechanics. Both are rare ubertheories, i.e. without known exception. There might be one in RG – Black matter may not exist, says Verlinde, just an improvement. In any case, RG defines the denizens of the cosmos, it is basic to cosmology of the Universe. QM is about the very small – atom and below. What does Quantum Gravity look like? Even as philosophically is in my interest.

That they even meet, is the presence of spectral lines in CMB. Anyone can measure CMB – it is simply the plot of radiation in the sky in all directions. At wave-lengths corresponding to radio waves, it has an isotropic equal nois-like in all directions with no fluctuations to 1 part in 100,000. This is the CMB. That experimentally proves that entire universe was once atom sized!

Very complex satellite measurements over decades has collected a 3D map of locations and sizes of galaxies. One can play the small CMB perturbations under 1 in 100,000 to the known measured 3D map! Known universe is the evolution of these quantum fluctuations.

In fact, one can proceed to pregnant science of Cosmogonies – why is something there, why do natural laws exist (come from symmetries), where do constants come from (geometric ratios), and do we know some laws are time invariant (Star formation in multi-billion year old galaxies). Moment concepts like God are to be ignored, all these questions arise. Can they even be answered!
This is where my philosophy takes a revolutionary turn by affirming they can be answered and postulating a credible distinct mechanism, generalized and understandable from mechanisms in regular science.

The key idea is emergence, basic to philosophy of life - evolution, which I consider an ubertheorie like QM and RG! Emergence is evolution of parts of a system with increasing complexity even while rest of the system serves as waste field with increasing entropy – its own and addition from the waste entropy of decreasing entropy! Life is increasing complexity that develops methods of reproduction. (Bolds are my definitions).

 Space and time are emergent concepts. They behave like normal for ordinary phenomenon, but may have differences in the extreme. Space and time are both quantized. Space has a maximum density it can support without exploding. So is gravity from entanglement! That is how Verlinde demolishes dark matter!

There are some falsifiable answers. We can test the constancy of laws by comparing certain processes like star formation in galaxies known to be several billion years old! If they are like now, constants are same and some laws are time-invariant! There are some pregnant science answers. For example there are six cosmogony theories. The one loved by me in structure, but not in detail, is the CCC theory of Penrose, with eternally cyclic universes, and information leaking at crunch-bounce necks across universes to make circles in latest CMB.

My own pregnantscience says that - quantum magic as macro-visible in double slit experimentscan be resolved in unmagical ways by Everett’s many world interpretation,partly improved by quantum chemistry and FULLY by my two dimension time. Furtherimprovements require another spatial dimension to a six dimensional universe.

Returning to unification of RG and QM to the desired QG. Can one unify gravity with triple union electro-weak? Thru QG. But we need falsifiable way for that. But that needs a pregnant science for that! Or perhaps outline of experiments doable in future! Here is recent -

One proposal (published dec 2017) is -All existing quantum-gravity proposals are extremely hard to test in practice. Quantum effects in the gravitational field are exceptionally small, unlike those in the electromagnetic field. The fundamental reason is that the gravitational coupling constant is about 43 orders of magnitude smaller than the fine structure constant, which governs light-matter interactions. For example, detecting gravitons—the hypothetical quanta of the gravitational field predicted by certain quantum-gravity proposals—is deemed to be practically impossible. Here we adopt a radically different, quantum-information-theoretic approach to testing quantum gravity. We propose witnessing quantumlike features in the gravitational field, by probing it with two masses each in a superposition of two locations. First, we prove that any system (e.g., a field) mediating entanglement between two quantum systems must be quantum. This argument is general and does not rely on any specific dynamics. Then, we propose an experiment to detect the entanglement generated between two masses via gravitational interaction. By our argument, the degree of entanglement between the masses is a witness of the field quantization. This experiment does not require any quantum control over gravity. It is also closer to realization than detecting gravitons or detecting quantum gravitational vacuum fluctuations.

Another (also published dec 2017) is - 
Understanding gravity in the framework of quantum mechanics is one of the great challenges in modern physics. However, the lack of empirical evidence has lead to a debate on whether gravity is a quantum entity. Despite varied proposed probes for quantum gravity, it is fair to say that there are no feasible ideas yet to test its quantum coherent behavior directly in a laboratory experiment. Here, we introduce an idea for such a test based on the principle that two objects cannot be entangled without a quantum mediator. We show that despite the weakness of gravity, the phase evolution induced by the gravitational interaction of two micron size test masses in adjacent matter-wave interferometers can detectably entangle them even when they are placed far apart enough to keep Casimir-Polder forces at bay. We provide a prescription for witnessing this entanglement, which certifies gravity as a quantum coherent mediator, through simple spin correlation measurements

Monday, January 22, 2018

Bayesian Medicine

major: Must click links, philosophy

Collects my belief, offered not as a new system of medicine, but a set of practices for interpreting medical advice, nutraceutical studies, food studies, friendly but biased medical advice, self-reported experiences and belief, and most important understand advice to improve vitality and prolong healthy life.

In other words, inspectors are assumed to be fundamentally dishonest and unlike the manufacturer, MUST prove their innocence. A small portion of the population must use the guilty-unless-innocent paradigm in pretold professions, solely applicable by consent transparently.

To baymed, the goal is solely certain self-responsible gerontology, everything else in the hands of epistemology-western medical doctors. Aging is not recognised as disease by them, it’s your ownresponsibility and MY baymed recognises it as exponential decay of energy production with host of opportunist problems.

Epistemology of pronouncements on Aging

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Aging has been favourite target of humans for 5000 years at least, counting back from today. Everyone who has tried has used his/her best epistemology of the period, of no fruitful results. This is also the favourite target of existing 3 billion better off than me. So why do I believe in myself?
Of the 3 billion, under 100 million are believers in methodology of science. Rest are religion-enslaved morons. I suspect, under million are sufficiently conversant with philosophy of science applied to them. Rest are advertisement-enslaved morons.

Here is a little anecdote. I had teeth problems, eventually ended up in Boston centre run by some University. In return for low prices, you had to have dental work done by students, under guidance of course. My problems were diagnosed as fixable only by extraction of a molar. I had a scientific discussion of alternatives, even ignorant of dental science! “do it”, I permitted, fixed, returned and studied up the science. Philosophically, I decided diabetes was the culprit, agreed to by Indian doc in India, years later while extracting another tooth. Eventual mostly implants in upper jaw – even that makes anatomic sense!

He (dentist senior intern) guessed correctly I was a scientist. “Easy to guess,” he confided, “Only them can discuss their own tooth in an objective way”!

World grows old, that is the destiny, as is tricks to delay old age common. Sir capitalist knows this and devastates Sir customer without a trace of discrimination! All kinds of products and even medical specialities exist. The scene has millions of products, food habits, exercises, experts etc. to do this! Goal (mine) is to formulate a clear epistemology and apply it brutally using internet as very infected shit with a few diamonds.

My researches are directed to me, perhaps different as Indian race, male, elderly with psychological and physical deficits. To me, Aging is accumulated DNA damage and manifests as exponential decline in energy cycles with age .I have diagnosed all my physical deficits from TBI, race and diabetes. Here is how the fix proceeds –

TBI Psychological unfixed but steady glacial improvement from Depakote divalproex sodium.
Heart from prescriptions and CoQ10.

Race by Calcium and D3.

Aging is manifest from exponential decay in Krebs cycle. Fixing can buy vitality and 10 years through tight glycemic control. Fixed by CoQ10,  NMN, lipoic Acid.

The goal is costs within 6-7 $ per day.  I can do parents for $10 both – great swap for cooked food and shelter.

Another belief is only metformin for diabetes. Philosophically, I believe that everyone has sugar spikes, lot more damaging to diabetics, but marginally injurious nonetheless. Sugar in blood is reduced in two ways

1.       Preventing sugar release

2.       Digesting the released sugar by insulin

 Working by method 1 must control aging. Metformin is 1, by preventing release from liver. Acarbose is another, causing problems in sugar digestion in stomach! Another way is fastingSo if correct, acarbose and fasting must also have life-extension effects! So as my diabetes worsens (2000 mg/day to max 2500 mg someday) I will prefer by adding Acarbose likes, rather than Insulin makers, increases or insulin itself.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

More on Baysian medicine

Its basis is the Krebs’s cycle that underlies aging and not a known recognized ailment. Krebs’s cycle is complex and can be approximated by three – Citric acid, NADH-NAD+ and ATP-ADP. Actually there are several cycles as sub cycle of the main Krebs-citric acid cycle but the idealization merging many sub cycles into 1 makes sense, as does merging ATP=ADP and GTP-GDP cycles. We are not very interested in chemical details or location.

3.       Citric acid cycle is addressed by alpha-lipoic acid. Lipoic acid is co-factor to five chemicals at least! At least 2 are part of Krebs cycle.

Currently, as I believe immensely in my own research and extensive many year chasing of references, subjecting to my suspicious epistemology and total ignore post even mildly believable accusations essentially resolved by guilty-unless-proven-innocent paradigm; I take these -

1 Niagen (progress to NMN soon) for NADH-NAD+

2. Alpha – Lipoic Acid for citric Acid

3. CoQ10 + Shilajit (Ramdev) for ATP-ADP

4. A-Z vitamins for trace completeness

5. Calcium and D3 sachet - welcome to India and Sun escape.

Despite plethora of Diseases, bad teeth eyes, and soles from past rampant diabetes, with above, food control and exercise I live hopeful of surviving to the point my psychological deficits can be addressed.

Ingredients can be combined in to cheaper balanced East-West nutraceuticals at least as pure as the suppliers, transparently identified (Suppliers would welcome free publicity), aggregated in my communitarian-libertarian ways (transparent limited mark-up). For this purpose, a franchise from Ramdev or Sriveda is a perfect way to go and a possible escape from SS.

Just in case you wish to go alone, consider that

1.       The dosages are critical as is relational to food and details of administration

2.       Results of self and family experimentation (4 man years) is there. By the time you are done, n*num-customer years of more experience with me. What is more, absent IBE and Super-medium, no one can catch me!


4.       You have to consider joint effects!

Best do not try, except under strict guidance!                             

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The problem of legacy bias

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Behind the neutral words are strongly felt issues of discrimination, its legacy, determination and management. Proper determination is critical for many individual are seen to be biased even when they are consciously not! There is the strong feeling of reverse-discrimination. That and not sudden magic, that underlies the new life in far right. Far left (communist) and far right (fascist) generate each other.

Caste differences:

Current absolution not enough: Only the stupid talk openly about domination now. Even in private, code words are used. But let us raise the deepest true concerns –

Would you be treated by a reservation doctor?
Would you live in a house designed or constructed by a reservation engineer?

Interestingly, I consider ALL doctors to be equivalently stupid unless I have no choice (when reservation status is immaterial), for example knowing about Bayesian statistics and its distinction from frequentist. Here is MY basis of difference – in frequentist, the hypothesis in a test has never any relevant history – one decides based on outcomes of test. Bayesian says history is all important, a test collects strengthening or weakening probabilities. Thus Ayurveda is mostly, but not fully nonsense, unless it has been disproved! Four things (must be more) that survive usefully are trikuta, triphala, cywanprash and Shilajit. For low frequency events, reservations do not bother me (reservation status is lot less crucial to right amount of cement!).

In other words, reservation status is far less than other cofactors. Only reason against is reverse-discrimination and applicability. First can be addressed by constitutional sunset and global-limit (50%), second means-test (easy with aadhaar, private with v-aadhaar), number of ranks and once per family.

Caste concerns are nearly applicable to sex, disabilities, special abilities (irrelevant but considered like sports) etc.

Only way to avoid status of multiple discrimination (Dalit women) is to implement a point system and aggregation rule!

The situation must be addressed by “Judge keep out” rule because it is very political. Supreme court made a 50% rule once. Thereafter this rule applies (constitutional). In any case, some states violate the rule, one (even parliament)  cannot change the structure of constitution and delete fundamental rights, answer to evil rules is admit reverse-discrimination pleas.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Free speech and Modern sub animals

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 Like chapter 11 of "Satyartha Prakash", what follows is implicit review of existing, in that they will flat on 1 point or more. That mine does not, likely extensible by you to new situations you can imagine or encounter, develop criticism on your own without help, feeling that you can ask for help in the rare cases of doubt, means I have done THE excellent job.

As has been repeatedly pointed out to me – abusive words do no strengthen the argument and I agree. I still use them to indicate my own lack of tolerance forsome opponents. While very few is number, I do hold as deserving some intemperate views on some – child sexual protagonists, cannibals, etc. as free-speech criminals. But only criminals, not different in opinion, or details.

Free speech has painfully but inexorably won the day. Not even I suggest burning of the few tome or proponents opposed to me. I do advocate retirement to libraries (access publically available) to tomes as above, or how to make bombs, launch sarin attacks on metro-tunnels, sex life of Martian aliens etc. Every censored material is NEVER prohibited, either it can be displayed; or not. If not displayable, it must be encrypted well, but the keys have to be made publically available painlessly - only to record the access list and protect the sensibilities of the opponents – with thwarting technological techniques used only to prevent untraceable copies.

Let us call this arun-arya censoring. Consider .latest wired abstract : The traditional censorship model—find the information conduit and apply pressure—has all but collapsed. “Whose throat do you squeeze when anyone can set up a Twitter account in seconds, and when almost any event is recorded by smartphone-wielding members of the public?” writes Zeynep Tufekci, sociologist at the University of North Carolina. Your speech is free. But you are not.
See, while this may be the golden age of free speech, it is not the golden age of truthfulness. The attention-harvesting and ad-targeting strategies of big tech are all too compatible with misinformation campaigns and censorship enforced by outraged, viral hordes. “Free speech is usually understood as a vehicle ... for creating a knowledgeable public; for engendering healthy, rational, and informed debate; for holding powerful people and institutions accountable; for keeping communities lively and vibrant,” Tufekci writes. “What we are seeing now is that when free speech is treated as an end and not a means, it is all too possible to thwart and distort everything it is supposed to deliver.”

Also: Ex-Uber engineer Anthony Lewandowski faces claims of stealing trade secrets, an antifascist maintains a database of far-right foes, and at-home genetic testing companies claim to know your baby’s traits before they’re even born.
Every nation (UNO) has a recognised majority (accepted by active majority) which can determine any speech to be offensive and order it to be well encrypted or decrpted, solely force-determine the reader list (technologically one can prohibit untraceable copying and  false-flag references), the list itself encrypted and decrypted according to laws of the nation.

This solution allows prevention of external enemies from collaborating with locals inciting resistance against totalitarian regimes. But can never silence encryptions chosen by the end-points under the rules. Committed source can still win. Point is loss of an easy way to use internet! Never should be important for police work! In fact, totalitarian regimes will likely be my first clients!

"Cannot communicate inside" can still be done done using this very clever simple solution, or my technological solution even legacy by my technological means. 

 In short, above be written as: Every nation (UNO) has a recognised majority (accepted by active majority) that can arun-arya-censor (as  in latest arun-arya-dictionary) any speech.
Rest is significantly more interesting as many applications are considered. Any one dumb enough to think having a better solution must be able to present solutions to all the following.

To be Done

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Whenever, no sequentiality or any other deduction

Monday, January 15, 2018

shilajit and CoQ10

Must click links,  philosophy

I have unfortunate reputation of lover of western medicine. It’s a matter of epistemology. Homeopathy is criminal because its methodology is wrong and careful placebo driven trials regularly disprove its efficacy. So is true of Ayurveda in general. However the bounty of inexpensive equivalent medicine and massive distrust of the FDA process in view of political compulsions has forced me to evidence based medicine, as exemplified by Cochrane collaboration and essential loners like DE Grey and sens.

The topic of today is “Shilajit and CoQ10”. This combination would not occur to a Vaidya or westerner. It occurs to two – a highly respected team of Bengali scientists and me, fervent believer in east-west medicine and self + family experimenter. Rest is my choices for gerontology applied to myself, and parents.

First is East-west medicine. First filter applied is that if some Ayurveda procedure is opposed by majority of western knowledgeable folk, that is enough to destroy the product. Whole lot of bhasam medicines are eliminated. Then there must be positive  or zero support for Ayurveda procedure with eastern and western reactions sum to high. Very important point is that western medicine views are epistemological, fully free of being western person. This essay if on Bengali work of good presentation.

As written earlier, I believe in trikuta and triphala aggregation with western medicine. I practice that by ingesting Ramdev trikuta with western medicine tranche in  morning and night. I ingest medicine for diabetes, heart, headache, and several supplements. These include Niagen, CoQ10, Calcium. After this essay, I will add Shilajit.

Trikuta has a reputation of being indifferent add to chemicals. Its particular purpose is improving digestion of whatever. Only Ramdev products are allowed!

Triphala is avoided as a diabetic.

My gerontological belief end at anti-oxidants. Proper physician must prescribe others. Fundamental to my belief is the Krebs cycle and its models. The complex Kreb cycle satisfies

1.       Mitochondrial containment
2.       Model by three super cycles – Citric acid, ATP-ADP, and NADH-NAD+.

Aging is feeling low because of lack of energy by Kreb cycle. The situation is improved by incrementing 1 or more cycles. Anti-oxidants improve NADH-NAD+ and ADP-ATP cycles.

The ATP-ATP cycle needs coQ10 as used catalyst. Interestingly, Shilajit has two components 3- OH-DBP and 3,8-(OH)2-DBP where DBP means dibenzo-α-pyrone also as used catalyst. Collectively, CoQ10 and Shilajit seem to indicate synergistic improvement. I already take CoQ10. Hence improving the cycle is very low cost.

My parents are NOT financially dependent on me. Still I feel obligation for food, paying them roughly by Niagen costs and CoQ10 costs. Drug companies would have bankrupted me away in USA. Only in India can I pay for medicine and needed medical advice only. Means gerontological upkeep is my own responsibility!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

The Arun Arya 6-dimensional universe

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Theory of six dimensions - Ouspensky and David Deutsch

To Einstein goes the credit of making time as a special but as realistic as the three spatial dimensions. That is hence a 4D universe with 3 spatial and one temporal dimensions. I have argued that quantum mechanics implies 2 or more temporal dimensions. QM also implies another spatial dimension through Hall effect! Thus we have a six or more dimensional universe, at least reachable through current experiments in real universe!

The extra temporal dimension is motivated by efforts to reconcile Everett’s many worlds in a parsimonious way. It leads to computational methods in quantum chemistry. The extra spatial dimension comes from attempts to reconcile many Hall effect results which is best done by assuming that the experiments are on many 3D images of a single 4D object!

By placing together two specially designed 2D setups, two separate teams of researchers - one in Europe and one in the US - were able to catch a glimpse of this fourth spatial dimension through what's known as the quantum Hall effect, (required read to understand rest) a certain way of restricting and measuring electrons. 
"Physically, we don't have a 4D spatial system, but we can access 4D quantum Hall physics using this lower-dimensional system because the higher-dimensional system is coded in the complexity of the structure”.
In two dimensions, when classical electrons are subjected to a magnetic field they follow circular cyclotron orbits. When the system is treated quantum mechanically, these orbits are quantized. The energy levels of these quantized orbitals take on discrete values:
{\displaystyle E_{n}=\hbar \omega _{\text{c}}(n+1/2),}E.n = h-bar w.c (n + ½)
where Ï‰c = eB/m is the cyclotron frequency.
he European team's setup involved atoms cooled down close to absolute zero and placed in a 2D lattice through the user of lasers, described as "an egg-carton-like crystal of light" by the researchers.
With the addition of extra lasers, the team was able to implement a quantum "charge pump" to excite the trapped atoms and get them moving. Slight variations in the movement spotted by the researchers match up with how a 4D quantum Hall effect would ripple out – adding weight to the possibility that a fourth spatial dimension can be somehow accessed.
The US experiment also used lasers, this time to control light as it flowed through a block of glass. By manipulating the light to simulate the effect of an electric field on charged particles, again the consequences of a 4D quantum Hall effect could be observed.

My philosophy

NMN directly not NR

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I have been interestedin anti-aging and life-extension drugs from a rational stoic (near science)point of view. Difference to (science = rational scepticism) is that statements of scientists are accepted in absence of rational doubts in speech and presentation (very negative whole advertisement) i.e. trust level  improves or reduces based on actions directly or responsibility-wise).

My extensive research on aging has filtered many contextual loves like resveratrol as philosophically ineffective mechanism, also proven by experiment to be ineffective.

Why not, what lessons?

The proponent did not consider transport and sales-business delays, even though the science was solid.

Why was it scientific?

It functions well in natural world at low concentrations where storage is not a problem i.e. red wine. One could do complex medical chase and isolate the core ingredient responsible for the goodness – that is what western medicine is about. One can chase more and find that ultimately within human mitochondria (evolution-shared by rats (mice) and monkeys) what is improved.

What is this about?

Both Nicotinamide Riboside and nicotinamide mononucleotide are NAD+ precursor, and able to increase the NAD+ level. The likely mechanism of nicotinamide mononucleotide uptake is extracellular conversion to nicotinamide riboside (NR). In addition, NMN is more powerful than NR in its anti-aging effects. Of course, the price of NMN is much more expensive. Reference says  here has been very little research conducted on human, and adverse effects of NMN is not known. Always conduct your doctor before taking NMN supplements.
Turns out, mitrochondriac NAD+ declines with age in all humans and animals and is proportional to vitality. What resveratrol did was to boost NAD+.

How does it fall?

Exponentially half life 20 years! 60 is 12% of birth. 80 is 6%. 100 is 3%. Goal is to boost NAD+. Not NaDH directly, no reaction set! Cell energy cycle from Krebs is ATP<=>ADP or  NaDH(v Work) <=> NAD+(^food) or Citric acid.

why not inject nad+ directly?

NAD+ cannot be given directly to the mice because of its toxic effects (serious hyperglycemia … via @herbnutritional

What does it boost? How to get more of it?

One can suppress the detail of how. Many biological systems have a cycle in chemicals. NAD+ has 2 – de novo and salvage cycle. Critical is salvage about 85%. Food boosts NAD+ to NADH, discharges back to NAD+. Can't boost NaDH directly! The salvage cycle is to a form of vitamin B3 (nicotanamide). As the picture shows, NAMPT interaction is necessary to become NMN.

NR, nicotanamide riboside, trade name niagen, which I feed to mom and dad was near best in past. As the diagram shows, some part becomes NMN. Another just B3 and may get boosted to NMN through NAMPT bottleneck. So there is some benefit in boosting NR concentration. NR costs about $1 per day. Doubling it to $2 is possible but ruins me financially, supporting 2. Cant involve my sisters (have no brother) in a rational-stoic effort absent settled rational-sceptic. Problem is that tests in progress will yield data (preliminary) by Jun 2018. That is likely too late for Dad. So test doses need to be given to him! Cost is secondary with success given low weight and ill-effects very high weights.

Three outcomes are +ve, indifferent and –ve. In consultation with Indian doc treating him, I have established after two years of paper feeding that my proposal has no –ve consequences (mice tests,  proposed dose etc.).

Now doctors say likely waste of money, no benefits, good dad-bhakti! Dad says bad-idea, I will not consume because already quaffing 18 pills a day in 7 occasions (part of diabetes just before a meal, wake, sleep, between meals). He be damned if consuming another speculative benefit, certain high cost to me, another unnecessary pill! So much for son-bhakti!

Back to my narrative. NR is $1 per day. It is likely ½ as effective as NMN. Before Dec 8, 2017 I could buy NMN at $10 per day – extracting it from cows. Then a clever chemist got into act and now NMN direct is $1.50 per day. If NMN is twice as effective than NR, 250 mg per day will be like 500 mg of NR.

I have personally tried 500 mg NR every other day and interspersed it with 500 mg no flushing B3 for 3 months. Now on 250 mg Niagen per day straight for 3 months. I will try 3 month 250 mg/day NMN on me starting april I will see if Dad agrees.

The stoic solution to scepticism re NAD+ is this reference from Scientific American!

The hard part is the skeptical query from father - forget the theory, how will I feel different or show me a proof. Proofr can't be done to June! No reported improved feelings. BUT growth in NAD+ should slow the deterioration! May be try for a month!

My philosophy

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Building aalan – 2 block-chain

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This project is special in that I view new syntax more necessity and a virtual clientele who would be there when it is offered as a product. It expands Go in 3 directions I consider crucial

1.       Multiple-inheritance
2.       Non-deterministic programming
3.       Built-in block-chain

It removes in-build memory management. Rust idea of language supported reference counting and help in avoiding reference loops is very important. So is language provide block-chain for all applications. Unit the ability of separating intentions from executions, letting robots do them progressively more, automating continuously is basic reason for new syntax, not just library improvements. From python comes the idea of infinitely extensible language whenever the syntax is not needed, and from Go the point of brevity.

NO language provides ANY of these 3 despite the need for them! Reason is simple, MI requires new algorithms only I know, even though easy to do in slow interpreted languages, non-deterministic programming is limited to compilers area, while block-chains are only being done by deep pockets even though the goal is to kill the deep pockets. Quickly the world will consist of deep pocket users of block-chain attempting murderous first-mover patent attacks, from which India will be lot safer than USA.

This is about block-chain and its presentation for any application, not just crypto-currency. All bold nouns can be safely replaced by homogenous chains. The aalan world has Clients conversing with Agents who talk to miners. An agent is smart enough to code and decode. All the Miners maintain a transcript in local private order. At the same time, they are involved in a statistically fair tournament. Whenever one wins, the win is broadcast as a transaction. Let us assume that there is a global unique number (originating miner. Serial) of every transaction. The victory transaction has an ordered list of the winner. Now everyone defers to this order! A miner can have some extra items which are moved to next block. Some missing ones, are gotten from known miners. I assume that the item itself has encrypted text such that a miner can’t understand. Note that I describe the supermedioum block chain free of miner contention. In normal block-chain, contention winner is recognised as competent to extend current hash-block.

That contention serves no purpose is the major point in my favor. The miners win round-robin every period and then broadcast their block. Every one rejects even one block with ANY error of double spend or undirected points. Every one, when their time, send their block time signatured by self. Eliminating contention saves enormously on electricity! It is provably fair! No-one can cheat without without cheat creating blocks of every miner. Any lesser speed is useless!

Once a block is complete in a miner, he send the block to a local cloud. Per miner, many lists of client are kept. The agent chooses which list per transaction. The local cloud is a reliable Ethernet connected net or fast multiprocessor (super medium). The entire block is broadcast. Decryption only happens in the selected representative for client. No miner can make sense of encryption.

A suspicious client is welcome to act as own agent!

Let us walk through two application – loyalty points and smart contract.

Loyalty points – Agent accepts money and gives loyalty points.  Miner does the duplication, so ALL miners get the same message. Super medium does the duplication, so all representatives get the same copy. If message is (A give n points to B) every one ensures A has n points. If so all subtract the amount from A and add to B. Here Agent is A and customer B. If B cashes some loyalty points, B gives to A. A starts infinity and B starts 0.

Smart contract - smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties. These transactions are track able and irreversible. Smart contracts were first proposed by Nick Szabo in 1994. New institutions, and new ways to formalize the relationships that make up these institutions, are now made possible by the digital revolution. I call these new contracts "smart", because they are far more functional than their inanimate paper-based ancestors. No use of artificial intelligence is implied.

  • Subject of the contract
The program must have access to goods or services under contract to lock and unlock them automatically.
  • Digital signatures
All the participants initiate an agreement by signing the contract with their private keys.
  • Contract terms
Terms of a smart contract take the form of an exact sequence of operations. All participants must sign these terms.
  • Decentralized platform
The smart contract is deployed to the block-chain of this platform and distributed among the nodes of the platform.
They can be used in untold number of ways.
1.       Elections
2.       Logistics (Businessman – goods/warehouse customer)
3.       Titles (owner contract customer)
4.       Contract (provider service customer)
Among fuckable are most government servants, lawyers middlemen politicians … Lets privatize them all!

A transaction tax can be imposed on goods as well as smart contracts. NO corruption is possible! Depending on political will, different taxation rates can be applied depending on who does this type of transaction more!

My philosophy