Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Proning - Emergency help needed


Rarely I get so angry - PMO must have morons. My update for PM attention is now several days old, had a number to prove writing, but proning has not been mentioned, criminal deaths in oxygen shortage! Call for criminal investigation of PMO and emergency upload to joey - I neither have a telephone number nor email address. Request help from Sir saint (Baldev Rohra) in our group for emergency delivery to joey.

An important sidebar

 Given the state of oxygen supply, I strongly support the use of proning by doctors to know and advise their non-ventilator patients and general knowledge of you as patient yourself and helper to a sufferer. Proning is laying the patient chest down and fast large gulps of air at speed as if panting. This method is advocated by Dr. Guleria, director of AIIMS, Delhi, applied to a big-shot in government who lost his oxygen and was forced into proning. This trick was invented by US residents, interning in the USA, one year back.

Prone position is opposite of supine. Prone is chest down. A local TV recommended M3 PRC where P is prone that is said to improve OXY levels by 5-10 % after OXY levels fall to 92 and people rush to hospital. Many fewer will go into the cauldron of COVID-19. More OXY available for ventilator sick as oxy-connected patients can be reduced!

Proning is stupid to keep medical  knowledge from all doctors and all patients. Some ones are moronic. I also would ask for help in sending this letter to Lady Mamta in Bengal to ramp up pressure to be heard!! Sir Kejeriwal is also good suggestion. So is Sir Yogi.

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