Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Aging and cancer


The latest link        Dr. Arya reco

The basic take home from 1 man-year of last 20 years is simple but very profound - aging and cancers are closely related, evolution solved the problem of cancers by aging. Your NAD+ is required in many sub cycles of Krebs cycle (basis of life) and declines continually with aging. Good only because NAD+ also inflames the cell from outside. This evolution fixed by letting senescent cells express CD38 whose concentration keeps increasing with age! The inflammation causes problems in the heart. Heart disease is an even bigger killer than cancer. Senescent cells eventually cause cancer which can happen anywhere.

You can measure inflammation by CRP being C reactive protein which is a far better predictor of adverse heart effects than lipid profile.

The main lesson learned is that NMN and associates have a bar of about 10-15 years and the NAD+ improvements are met by increasing heart events. Filtering reductions of CD38 fails because then cancers go up!

One can chemically cure NAD+ problem till inflammation finds another organ as victim, But in 50 years, artificial organ update will likely be common. Cancer cure will be by organ replace, artificial thymus etc. The goal of shark life for humans will be common. By being conservative in TPE and NAD+ increment methods, one can improve the risk for the new world in 50 years. One can hope that NAD+ update will not cause heart problems or incurable cancer. In any case aging will be better being healthier and no age decline.

No matter what, I will take the risk and am ready for a new career in attribute grammars rather than computer security where a new quantum safe efficient algorithm is ready for the internet of things, which might fly too with tireless devotion and purpose to this only life.

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