Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Who would benefit from text so far and how

Who would benefit from text so far and how

Starting after this,  rest of the book is short essays on chemicals used in the first  few chapters of book1. At this point, the questions in your mind would be:

. What is overview on readings so far

So far, I believe that NAD+ boost, senolysis, methyl manipulations and igf/DHEA combinations are each different, effective and composable till singularity2.0 in 5-20 years. Singularity will have repeatable age reductions, leading to indefinite life. It will consist of Yamanaka factors and tested E5 methods, likely based on signals acting like hormones, whereas all Singularity1 methods are cell based.

There is a closure possible from graph simplifying the one derived from hallmarks of aging. These are NAD+ boost and NO for blood vessels cover Sirutin1, Metformin for AMPk, and low-dose Rapamycin for mTOR. Igf+DHEA covers the left arm. We cover the hallmarks of Aging. 

Two more methods imaginable are fix methyl and kill SASP producers. SASP fixes by removing most of senescent cells by senolysis. Before Aging, it happens for free by letting immune system fix the results of apoptosis. The methyl and mitochondria boost happens with CaAKG.

So the suggested cocktail is NAD+ BOOST, IGF/DHEA. CaAKG, and Senolytics FISITIN + many poly phenols. All are filtered to 4 chemicals and likely will not interact. The MD must deal with any eventualities, No drug suggested has a small window of action, thus enough warning happens.

. What is a plan for the consumer so far

There are a number of doctors that sing the praises of their system. As a consumer, each is like a product. Clearly, one would benefit most by doing composable features at once. Others can done later. This must be applied repeatedly. Eventually every addressed method will be done. Different doctors may be used then. So the period under one doctor is limited to one cure thread. Multiple threads may require same or different doctors coordinated between doctor, consumer, my information by the consumer.

. why understand chemicals

Evert patient is encouraged by me to understand the chemicals so that simple questions can be solved without doctor intervention.

Unlike medicine, the recommendations are mostly supplements and safe chemicals, with empirical 50 year history. The only difference is liposome version of each to dance around bio-availability issues and evil unexpected disasters faced by Linus Pauling.

. Why am I not a thug

Every thing I say is repeat of a  top aging doctors, with only addition of liposome form. So important that I advocate patient directed liposome formulation of most drugs. I can not be wrong unless at least one top aging doctor managed to impose wished on completed or undergoing FDA clinical test, And believe that under 10% population needs singulaity1 fix.

. Why not wait

Some parts of the full treatment benefit current activities and can be adopted for non-aging reasons. I undergo a clinical test myself and my motivation is not aging but only way to escape devastation of several chronic diseases without a credible allopathic solution better than my extra risk.

. Who should wait

Anyone not consumed by chronic diseases, cancers or substantial frailty. You must have a reliable (patient view) of death before singularity2.

. What guarantees are available as a consumer

Non, and that you are not undergoing this treatment or based on deniable recommendation not on paper, from me or any doctor on my list. You will have to sign a paper saying that.

. How do I get in

Elect a doctor from my list, Set up an appointment and ask away. One result of 1st appointment is a sign-up form.

. Why  should I pay for you

The win-win-win solution requires each doing some th9ing for the others, as well as getting benefits. 


1.     Patient – pay up

2.    Doctor – test the patient for benefits

Provide dynamic address

Continue/pause/change treatments

3.    Me – aggregate privately

Collect data from patient doctors and buying of patient to develop data for both

Collect patient experiences


1.     Patient – safe life increment

2.    Doctor – new patient

Continue/pause/change treatments

3.    Me – per patient fees

Patient/doctor directed buy measurable commission

. How can I save by doing somethings myself

No. MD data requires lot of experience in damage detection and control. Apart from setv up, I share data anonymously.. There exists no decentralized private system cheaply.

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