Thursday, February 3, 2022


 I believe, without question, the efficacy of recommendations made by my expert panel. Currently, they include only doctors that have performed one Nobel prize deserving research and have still continued work to another Nobel deserving research.

This leads to the next question - what is my role? It has been chosen by aaa-panel expert Dr. Aubrey de Grey as the second point in his talk - how to compose reliably, the recommendations of individual doctors. It can only be done, say I, by empirical clinical tests, perhaps by FDA or a sister organization, but I refuse to wait. It will likely take over from me, ethical organizations, consumer-created organizations immune to lawyers, but capable of and experimenting with lawyer-induced total mother-fuck of animals who would illegally abuse our trust to whatever ends without written permission.

Every doctor has the right to think they performed Nobel quality work but none to claim aaa-panel without our written permission. No permission has been sought or is necessary from initial members. They are

1.    Dr de Grey, for introducing/developing an engineering approach to the aging problem and senolytics

2.    Dr. Sinclair, for NMN and 2019 theory of Aging

3.    Dr. Yamanaka for inventing Yamanaka factors and iPSC.

4.    Dr.Horvath for DNAm/GrimAge and Eutherian  applicability of methylation

5.    Drs. Conboys for initial hetronic parabiosis and not young blood  but plain protein works

6.    Dr. Fahi for TRIIM and TRIIM-X

There are many single Nobel like yet including Dr. Barzilai (TAME), Dr. Katcher(E5), Dr. Malone (mRNA), ...

The aaa-panel greats can disagree and in this case, the consumer is on their own. To escape lawyers, every recommendation by me must belong to aaa-trusted components, available as supplements, and require no MD service. Only registered consumers, tracked by registered Doctors of the country transparently knowable of all. including non-recommended edibles, must be known. Only the registered doctor can upload the data to me. I shall collect data, compile them with other medicine too, and publish the data to benefit all self-testers. No, but annual charges, devoted to the communication of results too, will be levied beyond the first applicable to Dec 31.

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