Thursday, February 3, 2022

Overview of my 3-month experience

 My final report is due in November this year. I am excited enough to wait for that day. Based on my experience so far, things are way better in portions and disappointing in others, no worsening. But disappointing of my expectations despite good immediate results elsewhere, perhaps additional things must be done in conjunction, there has been no worsening of decline.

De-aging was never the central reason, even though my entire effort is so structured, lifespan is not the issue but healthspan is, ie running it to measure the improvement in decrepitude. I am very concerned about my future from comorbidities of diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and creeping senility beyond bipolar-ness and suicidal thoughts. A Reformed loving family has solved mental problems to a less-concerned state. My de-aging regime has had similar preliminary effects on diabetes and heart problems. These are personal views buttressed with some data,

I learned in the USA that scientific attitude extends to entire life. To health it means spending money and effort to measure the body response, even normal humans can rise to what is required by empirical tests. The stupidest things to do to self suffer from the consequences of doable things above criminal negligence. Not knowing can be deadly. Regardless of your views on my philosophy possible like error minute, believe that self-applied empiricism drives human motivation. And also that knowledge finds strange applications. The forced course in calligraphy by apple's founder STEVE jobs was instrumental in Lisa's interface. My adventures in encryption are basic to my secret in defeating the crypto chain. My care of self is basic to my self-clinical tests and extraordinarily dangerous as my MIT-published Bits topper brother-in-law discovered. One can only proceed to really understand anything by NASA design approach. If it can go wrong, it will. Marry it to my teaching summary -Understand reasons even of the obvious. Research is very hard and time consuming except in new fields. Even pioneers are not divine.


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