Thursday, February 3, 2022

Intervention - the meat at last


The whole reason behind the book so far is to point out the essential simplicity of aging intervention, once the science is understood, A very complex protein diagram can be drawn as this picture.

Intervention diagram

Aging is at the bottom At the top are two processes - growth hormone and calorie restriction. In singularity1.0, you will not do much better than very careful people with tight food intake and solid exercise. However, you can get benefits of calorie restriction and exercise, not by total sybarite attitude, but without paying for intermittent avoidance of calorie restriction (unnecessarily hard to be religiously honest) and exercise. Fully immobile desk sitters can not be helped but no need to run every day either.

The Dietary arm has 3 things - Sirt1, AMPk, and mTOR, learn these 3 names. 

A. Sirt1 fixes are also called NAD+ boost and either by NMN or NR, strong proof that either work, even both with consumers with lots of money. I believe Dr. Sinclair who thinks NMN is better and rather than both, I would double on NMN! Liposome NMN is way more effective (I guess 4 times) so Dr. Sinclar's diet of 1gm/day is my 250 mg/day liposome. Now my add, just NAD+ boost is not enough! There are 4 holes.

1. Calcium Deposits in blood vessels lead to arthritis of some kind and some way of strengthening blood vessels as well cleaning up vessels is needed. When mib626 is ready by Dr. Sinclair, it will eliminate NMN and resveratrol. Both needed that day. Non-liposome users should prefer pterostilbene over resveratrol. This compound adds nitric oxide to vessel walls.

2. Unnecessary to eat soya foods, which can grow worse and give you vitamin K2, called a superfood in the US. I escaped Corona despite 25 years in the USA because I drank (through milk) cumin to boost immunity and 6000 IU/day of vitamin D3. Only 600 IU is needed to escape rickets. But it is a  hormone and does. many other things like moving calcium to bones and reducing inflammation, Best is to find Liposome D3/K2.

3. NMN consumes methyls and for a majority of people, treats down feeling. For this purpose, TMG is needed though not as a Liposome.

4. Dr. Kennedy suggests CaAKG. It seems compatible, ask me in September how I fared. Dr. Kennedy is believed since D. Sinclair respects him and he was chief of Buck Institute for many years.

B. AMPk is fixed by Metformin, even for non-diabetics. If metformin prescription is a problem then berberine can be used.

C. mTOR fix is reverse of He=men who increase it to make muscle. For Aging you want to reduce it, All aging Doctors look thin and starving except they look longer. mTOR fix means you give up a muscle-bound or very proteinateded look. Why reduce mTOR? Lower value alerts body systems to shortage of proteins and hunkers down options to survive the shortages well. That is a great setup for anti-aging. Note that an arm from growth hormone also goes to mTOR. What is good to Age 30 (mOR boosted to great looks) is an aging disaster. No muscle-bound has crossed 100.

How can mTOR be reduced? Boosting NAD+ or AMPk fixes mTOR some. Low-dose rapamycin has clinical tests only now.

D. An obvious solution now. but not 10 years ago but for Dr. Aubrey de Grey, who actually developed senolytics, is to forcefully remove the dead cells, which happened automatically in youth and before through autophagy and apoptosis. Well-behaved dead cells display a tag and are cut up by the immune system and waste pieces are carted by kidneys. But with age, dead cells remain, with the severe consequence of SASP (hundreds of bad chemicals). SASP produces inflammation, thus causing heart problems. Senescent cells also kill their neighbors. SASP also hates NAD+ because it bothers senescent cells. All in all, SASP produces not temporary but lifelong decline. And age raises senescent cells.

 Clearly senolytes not only reduce the bad effects of SASP but can even reduce the NAD+ losses and thus be NAD+ boost. SASP is too wide, contains different chemicals from the specialization of dead cells, and the NAD+ boost is iffy but required as just boosting NAD+ will fail with rising SASP. Different senolyte fix different cells. There are many senolytes, do somewhat different things and can not be replaced unless one is effective for some time.

Many senolytes meet my composing criteria, being organic or names. These are spermidine, Fisetin, apigenine and quertecin. Spermidine was first isolated from sperm but gets produced from wheat germ. There is a whole class of organics called flavonoids which are safe but useful senolytes. Once past my aging fix, I will manufacture many mixed to one which will be widely effective as senolyte!

E. Another diction of growth hormone through IGF is the insulin-like growth factor. You could go from IGF1 through FOXO bypassing mTOR. In any case, painfully learned by clinical California doctors is that igf-1 directly causes the side-effect of diabetes. What about a mix of IGF-1 and diabetes medicine DHEA in an unknown ratio! Dr. Fahy proved it possible and useful in the TRIIM trial. Then corrected shortcomings to launch TRIIM-X not yet complete’ Given the nice results in TRIIM, the -X results will have to be fairly obviously bad.

The complete domination of the aging tree is a good completeness indication to me. Arbitrary claims of aging success can be ignored despite free market abuses and real improvements will likely fall in one to the five arms A-E. E5 is based on signaling molecules and will be different. But is not in the market yet and may even compete with Yamanaka factors for singularity2.0.

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