Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Marketing Plan

 I am only interested in all-win plans. Here players are consumer, doctor and me. Every thing is spelled out, anyone can raise more issues, transparently answered with question raiser identified as desired but never with email address.

Consumer wishes to reduce bio-age, starting with a physician baseline, and wishes to spend the doctor estimated money over approved duration. That is followed with treatment, updated every year. Must contact through me and pay only charges for generic information,

Doctor examine the patient and decides on whether to admit. Unadmitted consumer gets a health checkup for initial test. The doctor, on acceptance draws up initial duration, medicine protocol and delivers a free list of sellers from which the consumer can order. The win for doctor is brand new motivated patient. The doctor is only charged per new patient provided by us.

I collect seller data, patient data and feedback over province, state, and country; thus draw up the generic protocol/language for base questions and examinations. These can be modified by the doctor based on their experience and examinations and patients reports. There no known side-effects but it can not be the case forever and all histories will be analyzed and shared.

The privacy is full in that no identifying information is kept or shared. Seller lists are never given any data by us, and the sellers are limited to consumer provided data. Further security is the doctor allowing mail to their address with doctor provided identifiers for selection.

So clearly, the name and clinic address of the doctor, along with 10 text lines (A4 font-size 14) or less space will be linked to the list of doctor. The patient will be directed to requested doctor and our initial data will be emailed then. We will update every year and the patient data will not be kept on no request every year. on continue, the same information shared with doctor be also mailed, All doctors can consult with us on every age patient upto-date on annual registration.  Clearly good patients must be rewarded with world experience and formulate questions on differences their doctors do.

Any such service must provide some way of bootstrap trust. I, Dr. Arya Ph.D. am a user of my recommendations beyond public reviewable documentation and have no hidden agenda.

I have drawn up these rules based on analogy of friendship, marriage, education, etc. sites where all-win solutions are possible,

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