Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The new Decade in my life

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Everyone reckons their life howsoever. I do it by decade for each decade brings forth a new me and dreams. This one will end soon, its lesson will live on, I am still alive. End of next year, around this time, I will either be dead or anyway broken, or busy with a plan for a national boost. Even the thought of success and a nationwide, or Asia-wide, or even earth-wide relevance electrifies me and will for a full year.

Why? No one has patiently plotted and implemented the personal risk in self-applied reversion of doctor-implied bondage and submission to chronic diseases and aging. I have intelligently evaluated my risks and am quite rational even if dead. That will only happen due to cross-risks from high-intensity chemicals behave in an unexpected fashion after ensuring that combinations of lower amounts are not poisonous.  If I win all, then will be cured and have a reduced DNAm age. If I run into non-fatal complications, I learn. As ancient stoics felt, whatever does not kill me, leaves me stronger. I will meet my doom healthy and happy. Who cares then?

Call me a believer in numerical superstitious nonsense, I started on November 1, but really due to the arrival of my nephew with some medicines. ASAP, I started! All set for a full year, space reserved in the fridge. 

Brief on me, per decade, 1965 a child, in a village, 1975 IIT engineer, changed to computer science, 1985, enormous ego, doctorate, and world bridge champion for 12 hours, 1995 disabled, and desperate with family with an MD, sub humanly removed from University, 2005, TBI, USA citizen and escape to India after divorce, welcomed by parents, switched to encryption, 2015, convinced at last my lovely encryption only I can since know uniquely on earth how to extend Cocks to a full word but dead to quantum computers, 2021 start self-cure clinical test to defeat chronic diseases and aging, the revival of NSA-proof encryption even with quantum computers, return of ego. I shall overcome, die trying, or fail; I am a USA returned if it works out, then die trying or fail an India of supermen, fortunate to be in the same confederation as the USA; minus the Taliban Muslims. 

This personal decade ended early but so what? I predict Amrit will be there by 2025, the real end of decade. And I will be there to partake it. Only those above 65 and chronic-diseased have to think.

A political dream enhances understanding and leaves strengthening elixir. Can’t think evil of the USA which gave me so much more, way above my devastation. China I can and do hate, but only due to Israel-style management of its borders, but then what  they have to lose additional to being nasty to people sworn to be enemies. Same goes to china, or even the Chinese vs. USA and the world, Chinese have managed to be world enemies. No additional risks. That is what defines international risk. There was no additional burden to the USA when they helped so many in the world, anyway. We who grew with their help owe so much to the world. It is like personal ethics. a Holistic view of all peoples and systems is needed. Not true of a turncoat and fully brain-washed but I am not one. Good and bad. IIT is like that, just that what I got, vastly rates above the few needles. But that is true of all, the St. Gabriel’s and University of Rochester. Thereafter, it was a genuine exchange. I still fail to understand about china. Where is the exchange, after one way humiliation and sacrifice for china in the fifties. Some people never hesitate to bite the feeding hand, Taliban and Pakistan are on tops, Taliban don’t act like Pakistan expects! And china is on verge, with strengthening of ISK, ready to be bitten. One has to be very careful who is helped. Snakes are never smart or turn vegetarian, let alone vegan!

But all my current ideology and analysis means nothing with unhealthy me, be it genetic or acquired,

I am the victim and not unrealistic enough to appreciate saintly behaviour. Healthy me needed for repay of my debt, I take a shot. What is difference between street crossing accident and bad results in try after extensive cost-benefit analysis, to dead-like me? Best I can do is continued CB analysis after adding what true friends or do-gooders feed back to me, anonymous and invite for certain internal debate and public acknowledgement if useful, anonymous or otherwise.

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