Thursday, November 18, 2021

law language

Law is a process oriented language. By default you begin with main process. The call syntax of proc and objects is same. Only difference is use of proc or object key word. A proc returns values and exits. An object restarts after return and returns values on each call. A proc may return different results in each invocation since it can return the content of an inward pointer argument.

Law supports true generics at run time,  different instances have the same address and hence generic operations can be passed by, pointer.

Law has no distinction between data and code, Json objects can be passed between execution units. these segments have stated security, it is assumed that execution environment is fully criminalised and insecure. However, secure memory is assumed available to each execution unit. Certain instructions have silent updates in secure memory on which no writes can occur, only extension, with periodic alerts past a buffer limit.

Certain law security primitive es are made available to users as are certain required objects. These require additional work for any distinctly different implementor. A canonical law interpreter in law exists and is the final word on any disputes.

It is called so since I designed it to express robot understandable language; capable of auto-correction and questions for correct understanding; save, reuse, parametrise command sequences for reuse by others; reuse scripts from other users after filling arguments; allow automatic edits; auto-configuration; environment auto-selection.

Parametrization requires saving command sequences into an editable form, verifying contents, funcifying sequences and convertion of text into functional arguments. This includes binding to constraints, enclosing nouns, conversion to switches, and conversion into synchronised foci. Note that state is automatically saved after transfer and objects are not needed.

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