Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wish-death Philosophy

This philosophy is a waste of time if wish-death is not believed. Some age gain happens on self-imposed trials. Within 5 years I expect Katner E5 or some follow-up to gain FDA approval for increased healthspan and reset. By 2030, even idiots will know. Maybe you can expect live to 50-years, or like me, be scared entering full thymic involution, new corona-variants, more china-pandemics, etc., record thoughts, no longer academic but prescient, and a direction to strike. These are motivated by the USA Bill of Rights and my views on USA experience in the 19th century, 20th, and 21st till today. Also included is India post-1950 to today. Clearly, I am abbreviable as old Libertarian but conservative financial and new radical; all derivation from these nasty labels are likely wrong.

Democracy is not axiomatic but believed as an empirical theorem from the superiority of judgment of a multitude and historical lessons with other systems in the world. Belief in life and liberty is not axiomatic but ethical derivation. Evolvability of the constitution is essential to protect the rights of future populations, but degrees of evolution enshrine the rights of current populations. Apart from the two-thirds majority are recognized at 90% and 99%. Every modification requires as many popular votes in a popular mandate with 99% voters enabled.


Elections must be total with constitutionally prescribed penalties for failure to vote. However, every voter has the right to allow a proxy voter whose vote will count unless the voter explicitly votes. The registration of proxies must be kept private, thus allowing the proxies to lie on the count of votes they represent, and every voter to register as a proxy. There are no meta-proxies and a proxy must vote.

Elections are held between candidates who can show 10% of the exclusive vote. The state can require all print, speech, radio, and tv stations to devote 25% of space devoted to advertisement prior to an election on an equitable basis to candidates, provided they do not spend any money on advertisements on billboards, etc. Every popular mandate has two sides which consume an additional 25% equitable ad space overall issues.


The state is forbidden to distinguish between voters and their families on grounds of race, creed, color, caste, sex, etc. All discriminatory laws must only be based on demonstrable abilities. However, up to 50% reservation must be allowed based on 50% of the numerical percentage, if requested by any distinct group. based on requested equity. Benefits are requested equitably distributed over all beneficiaries. Maximal benefit class composes multiple benefits.

All elected and nominated posts are forbidden to be occupied by the children and grandchildren or siblings and their children, of the occupier. The state will likely do just as well, and unjustness of the forbid pales before perceived anti-corruption benefits.


Typical lawyers will not understand types as constraint sets or binding.

Every law must have sunset provisions. Every law can be readopted on sunset. Every law can be constrained and has automated sunset outside.

Every law is a statement on parameterized verbs, adverbs, adjectives,  and nouns. Parameters are assumed sticky. Lexical binding (law time) is assumed unless expliticized to call time (contract time) or macro binding (use time, once). To understand these, consider a clock that shows the time nat which meaning was set. When the law was made is lexical. When used in the contract is dynamic. Whenever the contract is used use-time but fixed on first use. "pay cow worth" is cow worth 2000 years ago by default. Whatever worth when brahmin hired. Or the day brahmin performed, the first time. things get very sticky if brahmin performed on many days,

One very hard problem comes from javascript, where functions can return functions, What about bindings in returned function? Macro is bad, choice is inside returning function or lexical. Here it helps to think of variables as nouns and dynamical use as argument-less function.

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