Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Who am I - start

BOOK start: self lionk

universe around  me

What is the universe around me - astronomy!

Approach these works like a child and learn to enjoy knowledge.

Cosmology is about every thing after big bang. Cosmogony AT BIG BANG OR BEFORE ( if time existed before 0). Creation of universe in which I am, is NOT the product of any God or intelligent designer. Even excluding the morons, there are many narratives of creation not dependent on these insanity - all important cosmogonies are linked next. None are falsifiable.

It appeared to me that string theory and loop quantum gravity are special in that they serve to unite the two theories of physics that have not united despite every top physicist in last two centuries despite herculean effort by thousands of best scientist in a century. These are quantum mechanics generalized to yield string theory. Loop Quantum Gravity LQG specializes Einstein gravity. These two have no known contradictory phenomena but refuse to mix to any quantum gravity and are perfect descriptions of the very small and astronomy.

Amazingly, scientist have their own, one and only falsifiable cosmogony. Amazing because falsifiable means you can start with nothing, even physics laws and constants.

The genesis of all elements and astronomical features is falsifiabllity complete. Next reference tells you the truth and the scientific theory of creation. (cosmology).

 suggest you download the free book and spend the best 10 hours of life reading it. If you are in true super hurry, I wrote a link. At least it will introduce you to cosmology and introduce NASA some to you.

Cosmology is the result of full-time work by 1000,000 humans for over a century - by far more than any soothsayer moron and done with rational skepticism  - trust no one but the force of logic that only leaves a tiny amount. All the developments in space, so far, are for rational skeptics, for astronomy be they LIGO, valley sized radio telescopes, trip to moon, space telescopes in every part of spectrum, rockets etc. It is stupid to trust a single guru, experience, ancient tomes etc.

What is life 

Know no biology?

What did people, including me, believe before theory of information

 What is the greatest achievement of 2019eatest research ever in human existence, ensures a Nobel prize and will be first thing to learn in biology? This is a start (he he).

Twenty five years of research at Harvard culminating in Dr.Sinclair's ageing theory of information.

When does and should death happen?

Life is about earthiness DNA molecule and its natural intermittent selection evolution after established evolutionary advantage. Every thing alive on earth has a DNA - bacteria, plants, animals and human. They age similarly and the information theory of ageing applies to them, including DNA mthylation at species -specific rates, measurable by Horvath clock, that can provide accurate bio-age and 3.1 year standard deviation prediction of remaining life for human!

Life evolved on earth around DNA because the proto-DNA solved a deep problem that all competing DNA-likes had - there are no exclusion genes, but earth-DNA achieved that by making Repair exclusive to reproduction! This is done by tight coiling (off) of DNA-gene in reproduction and lose winding in repair. Such simplicity gives massive advantages to that DNA, which survives a billion years and has carpet ted earth surface and unimaginable ocean depths.

Apart from extensions to Darwin's theory, this narrative explains Horvath clock in different DNA species of plants, animals, human in cells of all kinds - blood, muscle etc. A Y counter theory will have to explain Horvath clock every where, and commonality of DNA. One can explain Darwin using Watson-Crick DNA and even the latter by Sinclair exclusion behavior. It unites chemistry and biology. No extra reason to believe in his practice regarding reduction in ageing except capability, Horvath tests, needs no money, looks young, father doing well and practicing, plausibility (consistency with evolution). These collectively allow a rational skeptic like me to adopt a follow attitude on anecdotal evidence as I can not afford to wait for statistical proof!

The proofs will not help unless negative, in which case the financial losses end. Not even one suggestion of the guy is dangerous -worst is money loss.

USA is rich, but there can and should be immigration of aged to better shores for elder care like India.

My religion

Here I expect discordant opinion of friends. However, one must be in position of second religion - what if the current belief have to be stopped? In that case, a scientific religion is first choice, even though impossible to unite. The very fact that scientists are in general most trustworthy of all implies to me that they follow an undeclared common religion. Every scientist must never find his/her axioms from history, tomes, inheritance etc. What remains is the universal fact of death. Be it soviets or Americans, no advanced civilization ever accepts stupid organized religions (repeat ALL). Yet the absence does not lead to promiscuous  offshoot uncivilized christian of the dark ages. It requires no belief but in eventual death and a DESIRE TO LEAD A HAPPY LIFE! It is hard to believe a religion can follow from this, but it does, enough to say Hindu is my alternate religion and stoicism underlies my value system.

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