Tuesday, May 22, 2018

First interstellar immigrant discovered in the solar system – aaquantum research summary

Q. How can one say, within aaquantum-epistemology, that a discovered denizen of our soloar system was captured from another star?

A. We turn to the formation of solar system! It grew from a rotating formation cloud in which gravity constructed various planets at various distances all rotating in the same plane in the same direction, while the centre grew in mass, started fusion, and became the sun. Prior to the formation of planets, a nearby super nova has seeded the cloud with some post-iron elements.


All the planets are measured in same plane, rotating in the same direction.

The oort cloud?

Elements past Neptune were too far away and could feel gravity of near by stars. They collected as a sphere of icy bodies with very elongated tracks in noparticular plane. We know them as comets!
Retrograde motion?

Some bodies near jupitor in the asteroid belt do not spin like planets in plane and same direction.6500 do but 100 do not! They are interesting objects! Most are lkly captures from the oort cloud by Sir Jupiter, itself a failed star!


One retrograde guy is special. Its orbit was computed in detail, enough precisely that one could project it back 4 billion years. It stayed true that long! It could not come from oort cloud, it could not have condensed. That, as Sherlock would say, leaves only capture from nearby star. A plausible low probability story.

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