Monday, December 3, 2018

optional-Wish-death - arya-religion

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An optional-wish death is NOT a death wish but the opposite - die only when wish dead i.e by suicide in billion or trillion years!

I have never explained the genesis of anti-aging and superiority of science in anti-aging. Reason of wide-spread apathy is simple, bio-types find it too elementary, other science types find it impossible jargon-laden and revert back to naivety. There is one simple key – there is only one known way of increasing age over all kinds of organisms and humans – calorie-restriction, too hard and dangerous by itself! All effortssimulate benefits of restriction at molecular level.

Every emotional thing in humans happen chemically. All life is cellular. It follows that given all organism age, aging is chemically in cell reactions. What is common to all life? Consumption of oxygen in ATP-ADP sub-cycle to CO2 in Krebs cycle. NAD+ is a required co enzyme in it. Its concentration decreases proportionally with aging. Kids have lot of it, also energy. Drops to about half at 60 and decreases exponentially with age. The model of aging I have it that aging progressively causes error in DNA, expressed in lack of NAD+. Note that DNA is in nucleus while Krebs cycle happens in a mitochondria. Bio-availability concerns define a doctor over a bio-chemist.

If Aging happened so, lifespan will be in months. Fortunately, cells are replaced regularly, old cells garbage-collected through apoptosis. So to fix aging, two things are needed, fix NAD+ or cell genesis. First I have talked in detail. Second is by transfection. That is the only fix for trees (also cellular) which live for thousands of years.

So my recipe of wish-death – NAD+ fix for 150 year, thousands of years by transfection and consciousness-upload in 1000 years. ALL religions are stupid and best solution is wait for believers to die naturally. That is how idea-evolution happens anyway!

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It serves both as a critical coenzyme for enzymes that fuel reduction-oxidation reactions, carrying electrons from one reaction to another, and as a cosubstrate for other enzymes such as the sirtuins and poly(adenosine diphosphate–ribose) polymerases. Cellular NAD+ concentrations change during aging, and modulation of NAD+ usage or production can prolong both health span and life span. Here we review factors that regulate NAD+ and discuss how supplementation with NAD+ precursors may represent a new therapeutic opportunity for aging and its associated disorders, particularly neurodegenerative diseases.

One can imagine many long term problems not addressed yet or even imagined. Cure will be found for all within my life-time. Belief in this is religion, only one I have, other than cultural habits which may lead to early unwished death!

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