Monday, July 13, 2020

Amelioration of ageing

Why do we age? Digilog reasons, epigenome fixable.

Methods for fix?

1. Evolution, slowing ageing only, no reversal, needs no medicine. Argues for fasting (creating scarcity condition to use energy for DNA repair using sirtuins, use old proteins in mTOR, use AMPK for correcting metabolism IE diabetes in peripheral tissues), exercise, full sleep and hot/cold. Orthogonal to all else, hence benefits add. Can be done now.

No chemicals available to help. IE wheatgrass, Shilajeet etc are pointless.

2. Telomere Lengthening: Breakthrough Gene Therapy Clinical Trial is the World's First That Aims to Reverse 20 Years of Aging in Human . Likely fraudulent.

3. Yamanaka facto0rs: Ageing g reversal POSSIBLE. Best RESEARCHES IN California, IN SILICON VALLEY. Best place - Stanford.

I can raise about a million dollars. Will risk to start a company that survives by Horvath clock and does mice tests for Ageing on the side. Extra 20 years life extension on the side is prize enough. I think I have 15 to 25 years from evolutionary extension from today from acarbose, metformin, exercise and daily drop of dinner for fasting by hormesis - use diabetes readings for weakly predictive control test.

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