Saturday, July 18, 2020

Aging fight: call to arms

I am a scientist, was in bell labs, spoken at Harvard and was assoc prof at university of Massachusetts for many years. I was hit by TBI which I fought as a scientist and had partial recovery in 2020 from TBI after the shock-death of father! Important to give you fast believable intro to me as an atheist scientist who believes in indefinite life, healthy because of current efforts and future age reversal, no longer sci fi!

This is after Nobel-assured research by Dr. Sinclair at Harvard in Aging theory of information. What he has shown is that Horvath clock counts marks in cellular genome DNA and epee-genome IE epi-DNA as well. Aging is simply senescent cells from proteins forgetting where they should repair DNA cuts and/or where to return

DNA does not change after birth - way before that! Epigenome has finite life and genes coding recovery lose proteins to wrong places. Genes make RNA then proteins. Tight coiling of DNA at some places happens due to proteins built by some genes for repair DNA - called gene shutoff. The repair proteins must prevent  generation of new cells while repair. This exclusion circuit is characteristic of all DNA in every life form. The evolutionary advantages are overwhelming, so that only DNA with the atheist scientist who believes in indefinite life, healthy because of future age reversal, no longer sci fi!

In any case, DNA does not change over life while epigenome changes. By stripping away epi-layer, you not only get ageing stop but age reversal!

Horvath was a bio-statistician. Using primitive of 2012 AI, he managed to get very close bio-age numbers to  the actual calendar age and was very accurate in predicting remaining life for most from age-caused demise. Since then (to 2020) other markers and sites have been used to build other clocks. They cost $300 to $500 in USA, amazon-India used to do them but no longer, in fact no one does them here.

I am starting a company to survive on doing Horvath readings on the side and mouse-test of serious proposals on the side, including novel once. Rs. 10,000 per test is doable and should work at Indian
salaries. Certainly meshes with self-sufficient movement of today. Chemicals can be imported till production happens here. Reading microscopes is where costs are lower.

Horvath clock are absolutely important for scientific investigations in to ageing ideas. I know that metformin+acarbose extend life by about 10 years but the number is vague and can be sharply determined.

I also have a revolutionary idea that will certainly improve modern medicine allopathy. FDA tested drugs are used. There is NO pre-medication test of drug appropriateness! This is done in some cases (penicillin verbal quiz) but not enough! I have determined by experience that while I am not sensitive-penicillin-freak, using it to cure teeth-pain after and during root canal procedures makes me throw up food, while TZ is no longer effective. Ceftum is the answer. Why use sinusitis drug in root canal?

 This double-masked, multicenter, randomized clinical trial compared the efficacy and tolerability of cefuroxime axetil and amoxicillin/clavulanate in the treatment of acute bacterial maxillary sinusitis. A total of 263 patients with acute bacterial maxillary sinusitis were randomly assigned to receive 10 days of treatment with either cefuroxime axetil 250 mg twice daily (n = 132) or amoxicillin/clavulanate 500/125 mg 3 times daily (n = 131). Patients' responses to treatment were assessed once during treatment (6 to 8 days after the start of treatment), at the end of treatment (1 to 3 days posttreatment), and at follow-up (26 to 30 days after cessation of treatment). Clinical success, defined as cure or improvement, was equivalent in the cefuroxime axetil and amoxicillin/ clavulanate groups at the end-of-treatment and follow-up assessments. Patients in both groups showed improvements in symptoms of acute sinusitis at the during-treatment visit. Treatment with amoxicillin/clavulanate was associated with a significantly higher incidence of drug-related adverse events than treatment with cefuroxime axetil (29% vs 17%), primarily reflecting a higher incidence of gastrointestinal adverse events (23% vs 11%), particularly diarrhea. Two patients in the cefuroxime axetil group and 8 patients in the amoxicillin/clavulanate group withdrew from the study due to adverse events (P = 0.06). These results indicate that cefuroxime axetil 250 mg twice daily is as effective as amoxicillin/clavulanate 500 mg 3 times daily in the treatment of acute sinusitis and produces fewer gastrointestinal adverse events. cefuroxime axetil, amoxicillin/clavulanate, acute sinusitis.

Comparison of cefuroxime axetil and amoxicillin/clavulanate in the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis

After patient-intervention(IE by me), another antibiotic eeftum is used, known to some dentists only.. This should never be patient duty. Instead of list of possible side-effects, the physician must use a pre-medicine to know expected side-effects. It can be included in FDA-approval time as a sub-phase to figure out expected side-effects. Double bind tests must determine effectiveness in best adapted patients, the med may still be useful despite overall flunk.

I also have a another revolutionary idea that will certainly improve modern medicine allopathy. FDA trials weigh each participant equally. That is in spite of knowing that effectiveness may depend on ethnicity and sex of the participant. That information must be kept and double-blind results factored by population profile. India can and should establish post FDA approval agency that conducts trials on FDA-approved drugs only that determine efficacy on population profiles!

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