Thursday, December 29, 2016

Unprecedented speedup towards Singularity

It looks like shock & awe, it is NOT my sci fi prediction or imagination, but simple tech fi, bound-to-happen, only can be made faster. It is based on remakarble progress of Google in voice recognition and its easy-for-me consequences.

  1. Google is keeping the voice match-tech close. It will annihilate in market close competitors like amazon. Learn “OK Google”.
  2. The recognition tech is largely speaker independent – age, sex, foreign. Just it is enough to lord over all others. Plenty of money to develop fast.
  3. Google is however doing some thing to Fuck all in unrelated competitors – where big already and new ones! This is being done without giving away crown jewels!
      Consumers (match) providers (use) Google
    Providers can break application into two parts – generic consumerism dependent service, its implementation
  4. There are many competing producers. Consumers select from them based on service provided. Any producer with spoken interface to well-designed application will win and emfubar its opponents.
  5. Consumer choice is always a conversation. All possibilities are never chosen from, even if the provider is human . Some are obtained from past. Some are predictions. Others are questions.
  6. But Google is not giving away 1. general conversion matching 2. Industry-data not just a providers! Answers EQUIRE that info.
      1. Suppose we want to see a movie? Which one? What device? Now/later ... Based on answers are the profits of providers.
      2. suppose you want a holiday. Where? Take what? Go how? ...Travel agent business depends lot on choices. Which agent? Good one from industry! That's ethical adds and industry-wide Google!
      3. Semantics of language is 50% task specif c but 50% general language.
      Suppose Google could make languages interfaces and hidden provider interfaces – simple formal language calls in c,lisp etc.
  7. CS workers love – their apps work great usefully. Consumers coz to-the-point conversations. Google for all the money rolling in. Total emfubar of amazon, apple, ... Even Elon Musk.

Warning – Google and all AI types have better language than mine. Competitors are never emfubarred. All talk is of engagement. Profit/loss is never important.

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