Tuesday, December 6, 2016

AAQGS-fiction view of end of 21 century

Entanglement is the magic ingredient from from Quantum Physics that is certain to make all the engineering and medicine so far dated and irrelevant and push humanity to a change greatly larger than industrial revolution. Humanity is unlikely to escape the entaglement revolution bigger than industrial revoluton emerging as cyborgs.

Quantum discord begins where classical quantum entanglement ends. Certain physical processes create counterintuitive entangled particles. Fundamental to engineering entanglement and using it as resource like any other and hence running rings around the 3000 year old classical physics, is the ability to engineer the transmission of entanglement using quantum discord, so that hitherto independent particles become entangled and hence can be magically impacted by remote actions! Already this sentence is pregnant with million to trillion narratives, all physically realizable. Not even abracadabra or some magic incantation is needed; operations on magic remote entangled objects are instantaneously done on image object even a galaxy away! One can't even argue on the impossibility of bringing so many QE pairs together to form discrete objects far apart! The particles of already constructed can be entangled by QD.

Far more important is that only once does light speed limited communication seems to be needed to get related MZ interferometers in place. Thereafter, forever, they can create entangled particles for instantaneous communication. What is more, repeated QD allows multiple entanglement creation, thus broadcast. One can imagine a galaxy full of cyborgs watching historic reruns of “I love lucy”, even while Sir QTV goes happily to Qbank!

Assuming 22 century ships can go at 90% light speed. Higher speeds rapidly require huge burn mass. At that, alpha century B takes manageable 10 years to go, stay a while, and return. There a fuel dump can be made. So one can set propagation speed of light speed limited humans to about 5 light years per 10 years. That is 100,000 years for a galaxy. What is the hurry for cyborgs? All sci fi absent cyborg is pure fantasy! Cyborg conquest of death using anti-fragility is far more valuable as goal over exploration. And there will never be one world government, nor should there be. By the end of 21, only USA, India and China will remain any way.


Backing up above is this (bolds mine) - To date, all schemes for entanglement distribution needed to send entangled particles or a separable mediating particle among distant participants. Here, we propose a counterfactual protocol for entanglement distribution against the traditional forms, that is, two distant particles can be entangled with no physical particles travel between the two remote participants. We also present an alternative scheme for realizing the counterfactual photonic entangled state distribution using Michelson-type interferometer and self-assembled GaAs/InAs quantum dot embedded in a optical microcavity. The numerical analysis about the effect of experimental imperfections on the performance of the scheme shows that the entanglement distribution may be implementable with high fidelity.

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