Tuesday, December 27, 2016


2016 will go down as the year when the first philosophies, consistent with all known physics could be created that explained a Universe of matter and saw the birth of aaqgs, despite a big bang or big bounce origin, irrelevant to aaqgs. In both scenarios, the universe was a small clump of matter at creation or after big crunch of previous cycle which erased all information in previous cycle, only natural way to do it. Consistent facts with known physics explained were

  1. Why did matter and anti-matter not annihilate at creation time, we get a matter universe not photon
  2. Why are there Schrodinger cat states

If bulk of matter is neutrino and they are majorana particles, it matters not they are matter or antimatter. They will annihilate by definition, any other neutrino. That they don't follows from very small cross-section, You expect few hundred events per cubic km of water per day! They are nearly as rare as gravitational waves!

Schrodinger cat states are a consequence of neutrino oscillation of states. An object of size a cat being in superposition states requires an event with probabilities way bigger than even longest imaginable finite universe life. Only if that event were to happen does it make sense to ask is the cat alive or dead!

Finally complementarity death has begun. Every particle is both a oint partcle in a wave. The wave evolves as Schrodinger. Point evolves as BBB. The surreality of paths, determined by weak measurements, is due to neglect of non-locality of entanglement..


How did neutrinos evolve? There are two theories of universe creation - HMT or Hot matter theory or CMT the cold matter theory. Exact one correct, or mixed is not relevant to aaqgs, matter universe creation and explanation of quantum mixed states is enough detail. It is impossibly small probabilities, not logical impossibilities which forbid certain events!

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