Friday, December 30, 2016

CS to deep QM – My dearest research wish

My dearest research is FTLV=Faster-than-LIGHT-Vaccum.

It is NOT easy. Although no-go theorems have negative implications, often they flow from a positive result, a construction. This may have implications beyond the original motivation. The new constructed objects may promote advances, while the no-go aspect provides guidance toward techniques that are not ruled out—that are capable of making progress toward the goal that the no-go theorem guards. Crucial in all this is determining exactly how far the barrier erected by a new no-go theorem extends: what presumptions it makes, and what workarounds may be available.

It is a no-go theorem that FLTV particles don't exist!

But wait!

1.  Nature in entanglement allows violation of "The information has to travel at the speed of the particle"! Thats how FTL must work!.

2.FTL=Faster then light. It is sci fi today. QM/entanglement does not forbid it. No-go theorems forbid particle speeds above vacuum light. NO one forbids info travel FTL as calculations result on entangled particles! Can it be done - my life research. Remember that BBB=de Broglie+Bohm+Bell pilot waves are forbidden by Kochen-Specker/Bell no-go but workaround is non-locality ie entanglement around spookiness. My workaround works provided info some how info as results from entangled! CAN even entangle remotely now!

3.In my sci fi, You need to take first entangled under light speed. Entire galaxy in 100,000 years by 22 entury ships - doable after singulatity, estimated 2030's. Galaxy crossings possible then. Cyborgs lot before.

What does CS=Computer science have to do with esoteric particle physics?

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