Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Roman history relevant to stoics

Current art of history and I are deadly enemies, only when historians are largely unanimous does it count, all involved in controversies are emfubar. Fortunately, the deadliest enemy of mine are pea-brained stupid grossly subanimal historians who interpret history for they are routinely caught in controversies, are not distinct animals, and can be safely ignored.

Stoic history introduces Cato the younger, denounced by Cicero himself. Rome had a senate of aristocrats after this just before Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon (ie point of no return) and eliminated the popular democratic senate for 1500 years. After Nero, Romans had 5 great emperors, last was the greatest stoic ever – Marcus Aurelius himself. The five great had strange democracy thrust on them – never had sons and were forced to look in family for the wisest! Aurelius was unlucky, his son survived and lost the empire. Secret democracy brings on the worst but even they are forced to appear good and people recall by election loss. There is no legal definition of lying in the extreme and democracy is a blunt weapon that works.

O tempora o mores , the famous oratorical phrase is Cicero on First Oration against Catiline, means Oh the times! Oh the customs! Interesting because Catiline was a stoic, all against aristocratic Cicero and charged with conspiracy, flew, caught and died fighting with his body and soldiers wounds only on front. He was the last citizen of Rome which led to aristocratic lamp on Italy for 1500 years till Galileo. Another person was Cato the younger, true libertarian.

Today USA has think tank for Cato. I launch one today dedicated to Catiline, with membership of 1. To it, I dedicate my work on proper demonetization. It will be one the many aaqgs-groups on social media dedicated to aaqgs-economics. It is our goal to consider economics consistent with aaqgs-religion, a market-dead-hand vibrant Scylla and Charybdis compromise between self-interest ethics and democratic law a la aaqgs-recognised dilemma..

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