Thursday, December 22, 2016

Longevity aspects of ECP

Clearly, I am not a physician and age-effect-control is the life-blood of many gerontology physicians. It is clear that if the procedure was straight-forward on extension of their practice, they would have discovered it. What is my add – a procedure considered as out of box thinking and still not so far away that its effectiveness require major departure from practice. Best would be a procedure that increased the quality of life even while life-extension was being researched and debated. At that point, the newly advanced procedure has pragmatic value independent of the effectiveness of procedure.

This is not the first time I have tried to influence my own care. As a heart patient, I kept a sharp watch on medical chemistry of drugs related to heart disease. Strong support for statin class, including members of my own university UMN where I was visiting scholar. I talked to medical faculty, collected reference, used software to build a strong presentation and went to my cardiac specialist. He was taken aback by prep of a non-medico and consented on the grounds it cannot hurt! Of course now every moron prescribes to every moron, even dogs!
To keep fit, I must keep LDL low, HDL high, no fats, vit K high. Empirically found were improvements from less stress. By 2015, it was found that diet had no relation to heart events or severity, attacks, angina or strokes. Eliminated Niacin's. Also loosened food restrictions. Safe view was same as diabetes – fat is the tell-tale sign.

Another tell-tale sign of many diseases, paricularly heart and gerontological is density of blood flow. Even on bypass operation, I was warned on thin India racial arteries and advised medical non-surgical method when bypasses finnished 20-25 year life. From regular exercise regimen, I have survived well do far. 20 years elapsed in 2013. 25 will in 2018, already tiring out fast. Need a second procedure now.

I don't trust drugs and side-effects they will bring. ECP beckons, either at place or my own machine.
In the birth lottery, I drew bad diabetes genes, but crushing them is my responsibility. They have caused bad teeth (two multi-implants), eyes (operated twice for cataract), liver (med), pancreas and soles(bagbaum). Still I live, one conquest at a time and deal with hand as dealt. Some times you discover things which will help you everywhere in background. Cessation of smoking was one, 25 years ago. Exercise was 10 years ago, also red meat. Now the latest – blood flow. Idea in angina-genesis is growth of new blood channel – heart also every where including brain. Its my cardiac-doc again – can't hurt! Symptomatic or not! Improvement if any measurable. People age and lack of flow means slowdown in muscles and brain. Better flow can't hurt! No symptomatic patient's will be taken! Get a certification from a heart doc prior to start – catch cheaters and some dawdling patients so! Hospitals and EECP lose to my competition. Plenty of scope to ethical grow. Post-doc settles the improvement, if any, medically, not just our tests.

Data we collect is primarily on increase in stamina. A count of number of steps measures 1 kind. Run/walk another. For a level chosen by the customer mentally, we can objectively measure the achievements. It is not hard to see some benefits will arise from sheer regularity of exercise, but more dramatic effects are expected, especially if initial is poor. A 100% improvement is expected fairly common.

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