Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Contemptuous attitude to modern medicine

I begin by saying that mm is considered foolish and less effective , but unconventional medicine is positively criminal! Never let unconventional doctor or shaman treat you beyond emergency medicine and clear prohibition on all procedures of any long duration. Hold your horses though.

Our Distrust Of Modern Medicine Is Making Us Sick

What is wrong with mm that I consider them absolutely efficient at some things and disaster in others? Even more important than the different philosophies is discrimination IE. One but not other. Basic issue is modified FDA. I am asking the FDA role to be expanded in many area, curtail in others, massive changes in how it functions, and its powers.

The expertise in medicine is increasing from experience, decreasing with education of procedures, medicine and patient knowledge. In the ideal world, the patient knowledge will exceed that of Physician leading to self-medication and correctness-debates. Failing this ideal, another achievable one is physician-less model where the statistics of cures are in a cloud, which instructs a number of symptom taker robots of what to do next, including procedures to do and medicine to give. It is silly to have a robot play the role of a wise doctor.

For coming centuries, a number of tasks, related to law and medicine will move away from centralization to cloud based distribution. It is NOT likely to be cost effective to automate all tasks, particularly those involving intelligent quizzing to extract the meaning. It them makes sense to automate the upper class tasks as well as middle class tasks. There is one particular task where human will always excel, namely trust. Every machine performs identically for a thug as for a saint, without discrimination, and hacking is always possible. Even in the cyborg scenario, no opinion but that of another cyborg can count!

The number of task requiring a minimum trust is enormous and current systems work in advanced societies because moral discipline is installed and encouraged life long, not because people are any more just! Singapore success is shining proof of that.

It is a consequence of this that wealth developed, if so, will be used
  1. Fund an FDA test of non-usual practices like stevia, cur cumin (haldi) and neem etc.
  2. Support politician that promise to have FDA judges like legal judges. They will be paid to do own tests, especially in non-drug company areas. A proper FDA, free of all politician influences, is vastly MORE useful than a supreme court, which will be converted to administrative court, farming out ALL individual cases to a sub-supreme court.
  3. Process of elections is vastly more important than current supreme court and deserves its own special court.

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