Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sir Father's brain MRI

He underwent it. Along withe MRI images, the attending physician gave his quick opinion in the form of a dense letter. Clearly it will be interpreted properly by Sir Father's doctor when he sets up appointment. I suspect that is 3 days away. So till then me+internet is the interpreter.
I can reduce the dense document to three phrases
  1. diffuse cerebral atrophy
  2. (local) suggestive of periventricular ischemic demyelination
  3. (local) suggestive of non-specific chronic small-vessel ischemic changes

#1 does not surprise me. An 85 year old man without that deserves to be a medical exhibit! #3 goes with age – blood supply to the brain suffers from ravages of time hence ischemic changes are to be expected and explains the lack of senility. #2 is hard.

Wiki - A demyelinating disease is any disease of the nervous system in which the myelin sheath of neurons is damaged.[1] This damage impairs the conduction of signals in the affected nerves. In turn, the reduction in conduction ability causes deficiency in sensation, movement, cognition, or other functions depending on which nerves are involved.

Wiki - The ventricular system is a set of four interconnected cavities (ventricles) in the brain, where the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced. Within each ventricle is a region of choroid plexus, a network of ependymal cells involved in the production of CSF. The ventricular system is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord (from the fourth ventricle) allowing for the flow of CSF to circulate. All of the ventricular system and the central canal of the spinal cord is lined with ependyma, a specialised form of epithelium.
With these #2 can be decoded as demyelination seen in  ventricular system and likely ischemic in nature. 

Overall it seems that no new problems have been located and current dosages of medicine are working fine. So I would be very surprised if any changes were made.

It does not end for me, unlike Sir Father. It goes to ischemic nature of aging. Human cells are in 3 dimensions and very rarely in the field of just one blood vessel. If one becomes blocked for some reason, oxygen is carried in and waste ported out in another vessel which may become larger. But that is exactly what ECP does!! It creates new small vessels. And why pump only in legs? Also hands can be collared! Not done, Big deal, I consider medicos as past driven Morons shying away from even ethical experiments. What is the worst that can happen – nothing! So it makes sense for me to ask many heart doctors and get a useless certificate from them of nothing happening - likely, but you can blame a bad result predicting a loser but also no care stoic!! If they see any dangers clearly they will tell me re it. If I encounter any in test run, I will surely stop. After all, I am NOT funded by anyone, nor doing it for any degree. Doing it solely for self and Dad! Fuck benefits to any one else. If nothing happens, may be I discover why not. In any case, I feel good for having tried to cheat aging by scientific engineering!

Greatly speed up ECP install. Let winds take away the discarded caution.

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Aroon Aryan Sir Father basic problem's are heart and Parkinson's. He was sick, admitted to Max, released, but on next visit, doc took me aside at end and told me his Parkinson's unlikely to improve. Very frustrating for father, can't even sign from shakes. Morose me cheered some today, may be useless but can try something for him and me, slowly my parkinson increases. Its only 50 lakh gambit, scared coz my TBI makes me too Indian now. That's 6 month US pay!
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Pradeep Kumar Bhattacharya  But what is ECP?
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Aroon Aryan ECP is External Counter Pulsation. Basic idea is to put pump strips on legs and pump them opposite to heart. In effect 2 hearts working in turns. About 80% people advised stenting or surgery don't need to after 40 sessions 1 hr each. Why does it work? Turns out same reason as exercise - angiogenesis i.e. small-vessel creation in heart and everywhere, including brain!

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