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Given that lot of what follows attack political comment, true for
some, false for others, something else for some, I invent the notation
<x> for every x, whose truth value is uncertain for political
reasons. Given the universal nature of the essay, it will never complete. Decentralization is considered superior, but sometimes inefficient and then an adoptable centralisation, with unease and checks and balances, and programmed to self-destruct at some democratic point. Both visions of George Orwell were not about left and right, but left/right denunciations of centralisation. Best think of this a series of independent adoptable ideas.
The best democratic system of all is in the USA. That is not the opinion in less developed world, Vietnam, Chili etc. It will be wrong to even try to transplant the system. Yet the largest democracy in the world is India and likely to dethrone even USA in cumulative economy size, output by 2050, per capita by 2100. That is because there are systemic problems, shared everywhere, but unsolved in US. India is on rolling path under Modi, the BJP has a depth of competent leader, opposition indulges in <stupider than thou>. All the deficit of the USA are also unsolved and unaddressed here, too.
Top deficit is the uneducated public, wrongly considered to be adequately educated to take serious decisions. Anyone can raise this point, and any effort to make people more in line with
that anyone, immediately lose freedom. Today's India and USA have some freedom, which is the envy of other models. Still I write of freer citizenry in these too, free to commit suicide, what is the ideologue's problem! People make better decisions in groups, the essential justification for democracy. Problems of the commons justifies individual wealth despite the old philosopher cry of "all wealth is by stealing". How can a believer in freedom, democracy and private property talk of a better system? Not just for less developed, but developed as well?
One idea is "educated benefits for uneducated". For every decision identified as important by the government of the day, citizens are required to find one in the educated class recognized by political parliament by consensus votes that eliminates dictatorship of the majority, restores freedom. The citizen is inconvenienced to find a concurrent thinker, but finding one is nearly always possible. The effort in finding one, and of ensuring his solution is similar, will force all voters to discuss issues. Have someone to blame. The educated are periodically relicensed and controlled by votes, also examination both. The exam may be biased, but that will only force the licensed to answer biased and later advise in freedom.
Democracy is restricted by USA type checks and balances, hence do not need further ink.
A very novel idea is "consensus voting". Every significance beating elected can vote the cast vote percentage. This is done in some cases to prevent dictatorship of the majority. I believe in careful drafting of idea, expressed in call for investigation, use of police powers etc. Every winner can invoke police protection, legal investigation etc. The votes once used can never be reused. The reuse of votes, if successful, is forbidden because a political definition of successful is dangerous, although a legally decided determination of success may work. Best forbid it, complainers now have to find sympathetic elected. Many political abuses will happen, <wasting powers> But the bias in defeat of majority dictatorship, can not go beyond launching <useless> investigations. Many political issues can be silenced by consensus note. Every <moron politicin> in India, can ask for <sit> for every matter, solution is consensus vote sit formation. The limits apply to majority also, use up limited supply in investigation of opponents! Every <idiot> politician can waste useful powers for <useless> investigation. Consensus voting can act as a powerful "checks and balances" in all democratic ideas. Autonomy of police must happen like law and election commission.
A basic health difference is in treatment versus cure. Every cure is a treatment that eliminates the root cause such that there is no relapse. Allopathy has no cures for persistent or cellular diseases (cancer or aging), but is very good at treatment. From the viewpoint of public health, a government must provide treatment for all situations, irrespective of remit-relapse situation. It leads to ethically difficult triage situations. Every development level must have instituted triage committees which control health expenses and can be invoked on any patient by any citizen in "anonymous yet consensus voting limited" manner. That is a fundamental improvement in all investigations.
A basic difference is in untriaged hurry (time or cost) and importance/usefulness. By construction, human are intrinsic incapable of differentiating between two, leading to<exploitation|intelligent use> in selling, auction, product placement in stores, online blurbs, advertisement etc. To make money, you can raise the price, or sell more. Price depends on competition and quality-perception. Amount sold depends on need-perception, availability etc. Amount sold depends on price, service, advertisement etc. I thought I had become a smarter buyer in the USA. Not really, USA companies deal with Amount sold method of more money. Indian stores depend on rates, never mind amount, and suffer from no repeat sales, possible in decentralized markets. Advertisement is harder and Balkanized. All USA companies are considered evil. Politics is, like selling, a matter of perception. Perception is by greasing the journalist. Most are smart enough to avoid instant gratification, but honest enough to remember the feeder in the long run. Here is suggested great friendly Press - Feed good stories to chosen journalist by policy leaks and tight-lipped government. To avoid this, all leaks must be investigated, benefits in market of relevant information required, transparent secret communication needed. That can only be done by my encryption that can allow nation-specific open encryption (jointly op enable solely by sender nation only on enforced need for warrant for some time only). Complaints are stronger centralized.
Requirement for all systems - money
Every moron can describe an ideal system. Continuous funding is needed, and I describe every finance less system as dream idealistic system not-worthy/beyond my interest. Tolerable democratic systems are product manufacture and advertisement/selling, dedicated taxes, insurance or charity.All other income can be pooled and allocated by legislative groups. The new idea is dedicated taxes, deliberately away from politician allocation. Nothing short of nationwide referendum tied to elections can instantiate or retire them, and must identify the fraction of taxed activity or income. The reason is to remove the income from politicians without triage with other taxed activities.
Basic to democracy is a period as tax on all mass-media. It is some multiple/fraction of income bearing periods. I predict united squeal from all media when it becomes a serious proposal. It is like a tax, although demonetized. This time is allocated to all significant ideologies represented in Parliament above significance level, numerical population basis. I suspect tremendous cleanup of democracy. It is advisable to limit the time only to expenditure limiting parties, completely elimination for unlimited expense characters. Evolution can be used to determine exact rules.
The goal in above is to encourage politicians to believe without corruptions of money and time-saving in collection. Despite any court judgments, they can be effectuated by expanding free minutes of deficient candidates against well-funded. The financial interests force non-balkanized politics (non-party candidates get nothing). A party is better off doing concentrated local, not diffuse wide-spread performance.
I believe in nationalized, but decentralized food and and eating powders. I have the practical experience of inevitable natural corruption in edibles by corrupt inspectors, under religious figures in belief that corruption will be lower despite stiff competition between figures! The domains are drawn up with overlap.
Impossibility of inspector management should be accepted. The corruption rates with be lower in services manned by time-bound foreigners with post-service interval, somewhat like IAS in non-resident state. Neither belief in goodness (perception matters more than reality) nor foreigner honesty is the cause. Difficulty of relations is the cause for lower corruption. All inspectors are not same. Qualitative judgment inspections can only be done with multiple overlapping qualitative situations, the totality smaller, factoring out foreigner inspected and quantitative inspections.