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Unlike my writings so far dominated by arguments, this is no directed at a skeptic as me, but towards the vast majority of people who want a definitive theory which might be challenged, in which case the one with better reputation is picked! Greatly but subliminal manipulated by very intelligent but all evil advertisement professionals funding all knowledge inputs. Only extreme vigilance van defeat them and there is a crying need for Consumer reports funded by low taxation on sales, given proportionally by representatives selected, at center, states and districts and tied to politics for controversy and broad way of public funding. Local supreme court may be made toothless by prohibit of public funds to anyone using private funding and by commerce illegality argument of poisoning product advertisement or by constitutional amendment in extreme legal cases.
Assumption is Sinclair Theory of information on aging is essentially correct. The fact that nature has not found any other solution to DNA break as per billion years only indicates the loveliness of the solution. First DNA can be far older since life-origin might be brought in by a rock from solar system, or a supernova explosion or might even be outside our enclosing black hole reflecting the only portal between black holes possible sent by an entropy dying civilization. But then why bother with this great research of later.
All that the theory of information says is that DNA is digital equivalent of enclosing analog epigenome, methyl groups are added and subtracted for turning genes off and on; after long time (relative to DNA processes) the methylation process fails making the cell senescent which dies to either a quiet cell or ignore apoptosis signal zombie. There is no natural way to kill these cells, a great improvement will be new senolysis drugs that will target cancers and aging causing zombie, caused by these senescent cells. Periodic cleaning is needed.
Not much is known about senolysis drugs and their cleanup. They may be specific to a particular mesenchymal or other specialized zombie. Or it may be capable of clearing many kinds of zombies. The specialization for a specific kind of organ cell may not be needed. The senolytic drug may be effective on many cancers. It might even be a generic antagonist to zombies in general, and then be a true age drug. Aging drugs are not needed to garbage-collect all zombie, as long as a significant number of zombies are reduced.
As a strange computer scientist, I am amazed at how similar this process is to garbage-collection. I know a little more, since the MIT expert who invented copying garbage-collection professor-ed in Rochester and was my faculty advisor. Just to be in good books, I learned garbage-collection and even Google 3 mark algorithm in Golang of Google and why it has taken over even Python!
In computer terms, initially the body is clean of methyl (have a lot of free storage). To adult-hood, storage is allocated and then program runs (life). As time goes by, the free storage is exhausted. Eventually, garbage collection is needed. There are many zombies intermixed with good records. A mark-sweep garbage collection is done. We know good cells (records) are those that are reachable from top registers. Here, the bad cells are those that that became zombie, like one form of PC where free cells are so marked on deletion. Biology is simple in that there is no long chain to GC, just marking on deletion is enough, Senolytic drugs kill all cells that ignore certain kind of apoptosis signals! They must not harm normal cells. If they kill many kinds of zombies then great. The only thing is NMN. Experimentally, it strengthens good guys by NAD+, boosting mitochondria. Same effects by NR or Mitoq. They may or may not strengthen a zombie. They certainly do not increase or decrease zombie populati0on, but lengthen becoming zombie, that is reducing cell age!