This gives compact
scientific application of my Paradigming/RDS to aaging. There is no
attempt made to explain reason behind my work and how to think like
me. Assuming you are limited to my result and what it entails. The
subject seems outside science, it is not, and I will provide a recipe
to evaluate your Guru, your friends advice and doctors suggestions
or recommendations and its worth and its sanity. Finally, try mine. If
you are dead by then, too bad!
Scientification of any procedure from any aging theory is to use 2 applications of some bio-age clock before and after the procedure. Dr. Sinclair has 15-ear bio-age less than calendar age and father has gained 10-years at 80 in three years! No published science measurable method has been experimentally validated.
The paradigm shift
here is that one can actually do something as opposed to advice of
all, including many you respect that something can be done beyond
healthier old age. More is the claim that the fountain of youth exists
and is reachable repeatedly. Even the most attractive daydream on the fountain of youth I have heard, people don't seem to realize that one
gets old again after such a fountain and repeated trips are needed!
SIMPLE - THERE WAS NO METHOD BEFORE. A New claim is that there is a
method. Inversion is there is no such method. How then to explain lab
results on mice, speculate on why Horvath marks, why does himself Dr.
Sinclair look 10 year younger 20 years younger, why does his father
have so much energy at 80 and look in 60s.
To remove subtle
forms of consumer-trickery, FDA exists. Why not its results? FDA's tests are ongoing in ,many universities. I can't wait for results,
willing to accept being financially hurt. But so much that I will
better FDA proven NR/Pterostilbene instead of NMN/resveratrol which
has same Target i.e. NAD+. This company is better staffed, with
blessings of 6 Nobel laureates but more expensive. I will use
NMN/Pterostilbene. NR is monopoly-expensive but Ptero form of
Stilbene is more bio-avail than the resveratrol form.
Monopoly-expensive form is unlikely to have reasonably priced Indian
maker. For 1-2 years I am ready to pay USA prices.
The second big issue
is RDS. There are 3 intervention that affect aging. They are
1. Aping Dr.
Sinclair. He takes 1 gm each of NMN, resveratrol, Metformin and also
unspecified dose of K2/D3. RDS inversion: Why take them and why in
those amounts. K2/D3 has nothing to do with aging but for bone
strength and immunity (I have quaffed Haldi and Daalchini) and have
not been Corona victim and will get vaccination in March. Bone
supplementation blessed by MD. On his advice, I also take
bio-phosphate every week for osteoarthritis. Three amounts of others
are aping based. Except I will take Pterostilbene instead of
resveratrol. Big concern is safety not efficacy. Efficacy is that it improves Dr. Sinclair and family,
Safety is that NMN or NR are
vitamin B3 forms in body conversion of energy by NAD+ in Krebs cycle other being sub-cycle using ATP-ADP. You can use NAD+ direct or NaDH but prohibited for engineering reasons. They are there any way made as both are steps making Vitamin B3 to NAD+.
2. Plasma-update: As
early as Jan 28. 2021, the results of plasma update on mice improved
their life by making bio-age 54% less. It works on mice! Experimenters will go to humans next. There is no reason it will
work there except a weak argument of similarity between mice aging and
human aging.
Safety issue is
minor, given blood transfusion is about 100 years old. Plasma
infusion will be safer, both on me and donator as all the cells will
be returned. Even more interesting is that Delhi government has
created many facilities for Covid-19 solve by plasma update from
cured patients. What objection is to use them for my purpose as long
as I am the victim, ready to pay the commercial price of blood?!
3. Yamanaka factors:
this is the returnable fountain of youth. Since Yamanaka got his Nobel Prize in 2012, illegalization of morons who doubt new aging
as any in last 5000-year history or like or beyond the current
examined. Like evolution, it is the application of periodic low
concentration of some Yamanaka factors (Evolution with punctuated
equilibrium). Magic unspecified are some (which), low concentration
(from what) and periodic (how often, how long).
The answers return
analysis of negation of Paradigm and RDS. Being scientifically
inclined, any source but experiment or write up referencing such
experiments are accepted unknowing counter tests. All other reasons
are stupid and waste of my time. It requires genuine intelligence to
generate great Paradigms and RDS. My claim is that Paradigm/RDS
produces convincing answers and are the way to attack intractable
Of Yamanaka factors
OSKM, m is cancer-genic. OSK are absorbed in vivo with different
absorption within different specializations. They have proven safe in small quantities. Better treatment than
any modern medicine that is symptomatic is possible with Yamanaka
factors - it is better than any medicine of heart, to reduce the age
of heart cells!
I have a new term
generated by me aage-cure versus mm! Clearly mm interventions are
best for short term illnesses. But aaging-cures will be superior for
long-term illnesses. There is a paradigm shift and statements against
by every mm pass-out in the past are stupid! This is also callable as
genetic-medicine. Old mm is best called allopathy! All medical
schools that do not focus on robotic care and genetic-medicine will
become progressively ancient and irrelevant! Stem cells will not
define new medicine missing aage/genetic component. I feel sorry for non-AIMMS doctors screwed by stem-cell Paradigm, now even AIMMS faces a new Paradigm! They are unlikely to know re aging chemicals and when/how to use them.