Sunday, September 26, 2021

Diver elongation of telomere

The latest link

My comments are in italic.


It is worth examining this since it will have theoretically similar performance to HHP-HBOT and have lower cost as ordinary air can be used instead of oxygen expense. It matters not that the HHP-HBOT effort may be faster. A quick design of the simulation machine says that the costs are returns on the machine, attendant (rs 20000 per annum including benefits) and electricity, thus price of Rs10 per day of 2hr sessions can be achieved per 4 patients per day every 10 machines, attached to a hospital as shop. The attendant can run a shop filled by many machines, reducing the cost by that factor. Such machines will be useful for persistent diseases targeted for repeated treatment. These abstracts say that divers encounter HHP with ordinary air and a machine proposed have reasonable chance to work.


1.           Abstract

Many cross-sectional studies have tried to assess the in vivo effect of oxidative stress on organismal aging in general and on telomere length dynamics specifically. Here we followed telomere length dynamics over a 12-month interval, in divers exposed to intense hyperbaric oxygen in comparison with an age-matched control group. Both groups were exposed to extreme physical activity, as well. Among the divers following the oxidative stress, significant telomere elongation was observed in granulocytes and naïve T cells, but not in memory T cells and B cells. Telomere length in granulocytes was mildly elongated in the control group as well, a finding that may relate to the extreme physical activity to which they were exposed. While telomere elongation in naïve T cells may be attributed to telomerase activation, we suggest that in granulocytes the elongation results from undifferentiated hematopoietic cells carrying longer telomeres that repopulate the peripheral hematopoietic compartment. This event might be accompanied by enhanced cell division within the repopulating pool. Since the aging of mammalian tissues can be attributed in part to the reduction in the replicative potential of self renewing cells, enhanced cell turnover under conditions of hyperbaric oxidative stress might be directly relevant to tissue and organismal aging.

Research highlights

 Telomere elongation in granulocytes and naïve T cells in divers exposed to oxidative stress. No telomere elongation in memory T and B cells in divers exposed to oxidative stress. Telomere elongation in naïve T cells may be attributed to telomerase activation.  Oxidative stress may lead to repopulation of the peripheral hematopoietic compartment.


2.          Abstract

Many cross-sectional studies have tried to assess the in vivo effect of oxidative stress on organismal aging in general and on telomere length dynamics specifically. Here we followed telomere length dynamics over a 12-month interval, in divers exposed to intense hyperbaric oxygen in comparison with an age-matched control group. Both groups were exposed to extreme physical activity, as well. Among the divers following the oxidative stress, significant telomere elongation was observed in granulocytes and naïve T cells, but not in memory T cells and B cells. Telomere length in granulocytes was mildly elongated in the control group as well, a finding that may relate to the extreme physical activity to which they were exposed. While telomere elongation in naïve T cells may be attributed to telomerase activation, we suggest that in granulocytes the elongation results from undifferentiated hematopoietic cells carrying longer telomeres that repopulate the peripheral hematopoietic compartment. This event might be accompanied by enhanced cell division within the repopulating pool. Since the aging of mammalian tissues can be attributed in part to the reduction in the replicative potential of self renewing cells, enhanced cell turnover under conditions of hyperbaric oxidative stress might be directly relevant to tissue and organismal aging.

Saturday, September 25, 2021


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There is a reason why club 3 technologies together in that not only wish death is achieved, something new is made that removes the infinite boredom that may result. The two technologies beyond amrit for infinite life, within current physics and hence more than sci-fi (tech fi in my lingo) are, 

1. Wish death or amrit, must be first to utilize later technologies

2. Hibernation/Astivation to travel the solar system using realistic technologies

3. Brain download for light-speed travel without time elapse

#3 can be way down in the future with MIT technology to greatly expand the folded brain. It is #2 that requires research, continuing now, to perfect. We understand cold hibernation some. It became evolution engineered to allow animals to migrate towards the poles. The two poles are distant on the globe, hence the fauna that developed in the sea and on land are distinct. The north pole has polar bears and walruses for example. The south pole has penguins and eels for example. Evolution had to independently develop the mechanism for hibernation and tissue preservation on freezing.

The first overarching statement I make is that all cold hibernations examined so far, as well as extensions imaginable, will never be applicable to warm-blooded creatures like us. Stating this, I deny every sci-fi so far. The point is the regeneration of blood after freezing is not possible on thawing. Not only do I condemn sci-fi but all post-death cryopreservation which preserve with freezing.

Cryopreservation is not just sci-fi research, but immensely important in organ donation. It is estimated that only 20% of people get donations usefully while they wait in queues and die not only because of donor shortages but transportation losses. And here I claim that cryopreservation is not possible!

So is it the end? Not really because there exist warm-blooded animals that hibernate! The process has a different name - astivation. The best model is the Madagascar lemur! The evolutionary reason is the same - food sources in the predictable part of the year dry up. Only tolerated by animals that can genetically activate it! How does it work and who researches it?

In it, the body temperature drops, say 10fahr, the animal becomes lethargic, and heartbeat drops from the usual 180 to single digits. Unlike cold hibernation, the animal quickly recovers within a week, restores heart and breathing, and then rapidly drops to a torpor state again. Astivation itself lasts several months with a weekly brief waking up.

I think the wake-up episodes allow the body machine to be kept up, even while the lemur sleeps. I can imagine humans in the situation of multi-annual sleep with their bodies being woken up, and even monthly restore to expel wastes and restore hyper-nutrition food (lemur solves food issue by gorging when food is plentiful and storing energy as fat in their enlarging tail, thickens 40%, lemurs called fat-tailed in local lingo).

Who researches astivation?

video: Doing research on lemur

If you can afford it

 The latest link

This is not a simple logical essay, but the result of very hard work over twenty years, witnessing the dawn of amrit, hoping that I can distinguish it and partake in it. Belief in any religion is not criminal, finding ANY support for any distinct unobjective argument based on whatever you believe is criminal. I say above from 20 years of hard study. Science as rational skepticism RS is extended to TRS by me to define engineering as triaged RS. Evolution is viewed as natural engineering on life, solving polynomial and nondeterministic polynomial problems using time and biological sexual inheritance, intermittent & natural selection. 

Undo Aging - normal middle class or better


Aging undo is the oldest desire of humans, recorded since Gilgamesh of Mesopotamia 4000 years before. Since then, conscious and nasty stupid criminals have routinely attempted to sell based on guarantees to arrest the pace of aging. I pull no punches – every such person, especially claimants associated with the religion of ALL kinds is a criminal. Note that my introduction itself delineates who isn’t and is worth spending time on. If you disagree then fuck off, this is not for you.  


With this definite position, what remains? Simple logic states that some axioms must remain that are basic to your argument, these then define a new religion. True, except that one can define some axioms by statements that are falsifiable, but true objectively, italicized to indicate the word phrase has an extensive philosophical meaning needed to understand beyond lazy conversational usage, for example, paradigm change. Objective truths imply experimental repeatable. Clearly, all historical facts cannot be objective. That aging can be addressed without any presumptions is hard but required.


Science is a collection of objective truth. Thus, it has the property of being falsifiable. Positively, it is rational skepticism. It can be viewed as a collection of models on mathematics, objects, or animals. I assert that one can understand nature, behavior, life by science. Life here means creation (evolution), progress (medicine), and aging.


These are four defining properties of evolution (triage, natural selection, intermittent, sexual duplication) that result in triaged evolution essential to obtain a result in evolution-reasonable time. Imperfect consequences happen because evolution success is by choices resolved to favor objective survival over usefulness for humans. It explains while whales, elephants, and naked molar rats live so long, free of disease, we don't - it is all triage, not the stupid choice of any god.


Basis of triaged evolution?

Coming up with organs for new chemicals is a slow non-engineer aspect of evolution. Much better for survival is an unusual use of existing chemicals. It will propagate by improved survival of those capabilities. But there is a problem, which system gets the chemical first if use is shared.  Given the style of evolution, it is easy to see that the organism which divides unequally will prosper over communistic equal division if the user1 is more important for immediate survival than the user2.


As aging undo bioengineers, we do not have to ape natural evolution blindly. Let us pseudo-argue from D3 and K2. The body can use the D3 vitamin as making calcium precipitate more on bones and dissolving its precipitate in vascular paths. Naïve evolution prefers bones as the strength of bones improves survival (fix varying amounts of osteoporosis starting osteopenia). The vascular calcium creates only osteoarthritis, painful but not useful in survival. K2 vitamin (best as MK-7) acts like D3 but does not do bone fix like D3. So a diet good in d3+k2 is a lot better for patients to escape osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, no matter how evolution proceeded in the patient. Given D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin, it can be eaten every day, weekly and monthly, depending on the patient. I take all K2 and some D3 per day, rest every week. D3 poisoning happens but very rarely, the current dosage max of 30,000 IU per week was routinely done at 500,000/month IU in the sixties. It is hard to self-poison. Typical extreme dosage results in D3 high, like president Trump's speech in Florida, after releasing from Corona-19 infection.


I am a Ph.D. engineer, not an MD. The complete undo Aging is viewed by many native (America) persons as a subject for western MD, but I strongly differ. The entire undo Aging subject is essentially genetics and immunology, last being a specialty unknown to usual MD or MBBS to any depth. The mRNA forms a basis, just as genetic engineering does. The entire subject is better-called cell engineering, and that will be used by me hence, with undo aging being my goal and I posit that cell engineering does that. All structures bigger than a cell is where medicine starts.


Brand of suggested medicine


It is slightly unusual since I do not condemn methods. I do not consider any style to be free of errors but recommend all medicine not based on only cure but based on usual unintended errors too. By that belief, homeopathy is not criminal but excellent only whenever a placebo is useful. Legal limits must be placed on various formats to show experimentally that all patients that subscribe to a view benefit objectively. All practitioners are faced with a time limit and all practitioners are punished for patients not cured within diagnosed intervals at the start. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to refuse patients unlikely to benefit. People that benefit from placebo are afflicted with a transient disease. The goal is to separate them into genuine disease and transient diseases. Time is lost in genuine cases but to only recoverable extents.


Short statements to prevent bothering some people, fuck off if this bothers you.

Ayurveda and likes have a long history including a modern period free from the external disease-vector theory of causation and cure. Not all diseases are external organisms caused and this is exactly when allopathy fails, with excellent treatments but no cure for heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, cancer, aging, etc. 


Undo aging is about compressing old-age decrepitude and life extension?

Undo aging with cell bioengineering is likely a cure for these chronic diseases, aging, and cancer as well. Apart from in vivo methods, cell transplantation CT techniques will be developed that can slowly, several cells at a time, will be able to extract in vivo cells, process them in the lab and restore them pipelined into the sampled organ. This is then the new medicine I wish to experiment with. But the current essay is on causation and cure, pointing out the failures and cures beyond excellent treatments of modern western medicine. I wish to complete this section with what more to allow beyond western medicine even while stating that ALL talking about wholesomeness, top-down, executive-like, and quantum mechanics in health are meta-moron (condemned to be unfixable chronic morons) emfubar criminals.


Who to believe and why?

There is a small list of pioneers in aging who have two and more paradigm-changing developments in aging and will not be falsely drawn into support of any new aging method for abusive advertisement professional reasons without critical speaking of others in this list. They are Dr. de Grey (SENS, Methuselah, funding,…), Dr. Sinclair (resveratrol,  NMN, optic nerve grow, …), Drs.  Conboy(Original parabiosis,1920 correction test, …), Dr. Horvath (DNAm, Eutherian aging, …), Dr. Yamanaka(DNA reprogramming,Yamanaka factors). You can set up your own list but I suggest a very shortlist consciously searched and applied. You are certainly stupid if this essay is ignored by inaction. Do something, not necessarily as I suggest.

Aging basics?

Objectively increasing health span by 14 years is easy, says Dr. Sinclair. The good advice from all elders of long sleep, low stress, exercising, good fat-free food, and short infrequent feed habits will do it. The objective for him with mice model experiments, and additionally for me by analyzing the life span of my father. My goal is curing chronic age diseases first, lifespan later! Healthspan at least 150 years.

Only science axioms?

This entire essay builds upon the objective possibilities of two century-old interventional experiments of the lifespan of animal models of mice, rats, primates, and observational studies on humans. Calorie restriction, Intermittent fasting, and exercise. Benefits of calorie restriction and exercise are possible with chemicals, best helped by lower intensity CR and exercise. Or practice CR+Intermittent fasting+exercise only and no chemicals, but that limits you to 14-20 years.

There is one test described by Dr. Sinclair on mice. An experimenter-set divided mice into several groups and fed them at different times various classes of food. Then they waited for mice to die. Uniformly, without distinction of foods taken, the longest-lived were those who were fed just once in a small time slot even if the mice gorged equal amounts to those with several well-spaced feeds! I call it intermittent feed. Both he and his 81-year-old father have a big dinner, soup, and tea several times the rest of the day. They are both healthy lookers and act young! Perfect for aging scientists - apply to self and family first. 

Aging theory?

You need to clean up vesicles and oppose NAD+ decrement and decrement continuously rising SASP that continuously reduces NAD+. NAD+ booster chosen is NMN. Pterostilbene for vesicals. Fisetin+ to reduce CD38 in SASP. Know if working by energy level after November megadose of Fisetin (mayo protocol).

Recommended food?

Nothing makes a difference! Only meta-morons advise edible and forbidden! Diabetes defines my food. Has no food effect on aging. I have changed to big breakfast, small lunch and small dinner. But no one in the family is converted, will be willing negative controls! On the other hand, I wait November 2021. The point for me is I start in 4 days to see if the supplements I ordered, will stand for exercise. Apart from K2/D3 with no aging concerns, these are NMN and Pterostilbene for NAD+ increment and fisetin for SASP decrement.

Plan so far?

Assuming MIB-626 gets FDA2 approval and can be sold, it replaces NMN and Pterostilbene. If E5 is sold even within the USA, switch to it. Fisetin+ continues.

Cell medicine

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Best one hour of your life


(1+ hour) The recent content in this talk between the two greatest scientists on aging is disruptive science for all non-scientists, answering even “What happens to earth with the conquest of death?” even though that is an audience question and not more than 1% of the aging seminar. The bottom line for Dr. Sinclair is “why do we have a pathetic physique, dead by even a chimp sharing an enclosure with us, if it happened, pathetic 10 finger hands in double, …”.To which I add “single heart even if all other organs have redundancy”. Our technology has solved some problems, but every fix has created newer problems. Will we ever get down from the treadmill? Or will those still on, ensure we don’t get off! To this, the other Dr, Lee, aged pioneer, summarizes


1.    Aging in the latest theory, has been pushed back billion years to the first unicellular life, all life ages the same way, genetically in each cell, be it plant, animal, bird, human. Sinclair’s theory of information points to cell death from errors in DNA repair.

2.    Aging is simplicity and elegance shared by all life.

3.    We can use yeasts, mice, etc. to model and learn about humans. Some animals (eutherians and also jawed vertebrates) model humans (science means modeling phenomena by mathematics, instruments, or animals).

4.    Aging is a disease, which can be arrested

5.    Even reversed as redundancy is obtained by an epigenetic layer over DNA which is intact regardless of age

6.    Chronic diseases are underlain by aging and may be cured, unlike modern medicine(allopathy) which can not handle chronic diseases without an organic cause. (Treatment yes, cure no).

7.    Next ten years (9 by me) will see disruptive changes revolutionize not just aging but the decrepitude of aging.


I stand corrected, the aging bounty is not just for exercise freaks but all. To live to a widely accepted amrit requires funds and fitness, though. Ando undoes aging will not be cosmetic. We are 65+, not 50+. Too many of my colleagues are dead, forever.



Friday, September 17, 2021

My Medicine as supplements



There is a natural order induced by expected effectiveness. It is also my first list in Liposome versions. Some supplements will be released by Sept. 30, and hence have to be preordered.

A why prefixes materials.


Liposomal Vitamin D3 & K2 - why?

I believe in triage evolution, with triage resolved to favor immediate survival. D3 fixes bones and cleans blood path, resolved by evolution to bones first triage. This means the blood path suffers from calcium deposits. Genetic history of evolution end. K2 also cleans paths but considers them first before bones. So, K2 is a good solution for all d3 sites but bones! So D3 for all forms and amounts of osteoporosis, and k2 for all others but bones! K2 in MK-7 form is considered best.


Liposomal Fisetin - why?

Aging has two chemical effects in parallel – NAD+ decrease and SASP increase from senescent (best considered dead) cells. NAD+ is needed for many reactions in the Krebs cycle. It is reduced by SASP, so cleanup of senescent cells is essential, this supplement does it largely, best by mayo protocol and also continuous use.


Liposomal NAD+ with Resveratrol LIPO  - why?

Best to compare Liposome as intravenous line add or like injections, even better since cell membranes are not a barrier, but some 20% loss in stomach or liver. Help is enormous in glutathione. Injected, NMN survives for a week after NAD+ conversion. Direct NAD+ has to be injected every day. Which of NMN or NAD+? Depends on the patient. Also crossing BBB. Small Liposomes make NAD+ better. The answer is really titration by the patient. That is why a 50% mix of NMN and NAD+ for 1 year is suggested


Liposomal NMN w/ Resveratrol LIPO  - why?

Allows patient to self-titrate. Four 3month periods select between pure or joint usage. Note that Liposome means resveratrol over pterostilbene!


I do not disclose specific places and dosages, so the above is very informative but way insufficient for use. Those who are interested should inculcate an MD and bioengineer like me conversant with chemicals used, dosages, right sellers, prices, and expected effects and timings.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

E5: expose the secret. How?


To the Gentlement named below,

E5: expose the secret. How?

Looks like real singularity, after intensive research, when marketed - USA first. Likely after FDA trial, in 1-2 years. To bio-hackers as me, buy+consume after FDA-1.

My questions are in this font.

3.    Solely to assert your time is not wasted, I belonged to Unix Group at Bell Labs and professor of computer science in Univwesity of Massachusetts pre-retirement.

WWithout knowing E5, here is what it really is. The story of young blood use is likely to confuse all who will try to understand E5, needed for many new types of research. That is one way to benefit from the work. Sinclair had a much better approach to his disruptive workbook royalties and greatly improved life, at Harvard and in Sidney. I do not think money drives Katcher, but it drives people who invested in him. I think his answer would be even smaller than mine!

The bottom is Drs. Conboy link, more believed than Dr. Katcher spiel! In any case, I have written to Dr. Sinclair, Dr. de Grey, and Drs. Conboy, beseeching them for clarification, why the young blood claimed.

Young blood does not reverse aging in old mice, UC Berkeley study finds

Insight 1: The DNA molecule has subsequences, both useful and evil. The epigenome sits over and shuts the evil ones off.

Insight 2: DNA marks (methyl) are not only markers of aging, but consequences of use! Removing them not only reduces bio age but makes you actually younger. The following story got to me (how?) that in the womb babies start with zero methylation, methylation advances at a normal pace, but is reset again to zero at birth! We undergo age reversal once anyway!

Insight 3: DNA never changes but epigenetic cover turns the gene off and on. Signal molecules in blood are the only way DNA information causes proteins to be built.

Insight 4: Katcher's work on breast cancer is essential to prevent cancers that will arise from poor reverse engineering.

Isn't expose E5 needed for rapid use in attacking for more cures in modern medicine, given only treatment of persistent diseases are possible.


Thursday, September 9, 2021


Understanding e5 development and excitement


            E5 has been tested in a joint paper of many authors including Dr. Katcher and Dr. Horvath as this link.


            Dr. Horvath in the list implies data is correct, references good, as per [me]. Every claim in proper science must be tied to experiments, distinct from all religions where a book is believed.

            The paper data raises a related and equally interesting question, which is why does plasma fraction treatment not reduce brain epigenetic age by the same magnitude as it does the other organs? 

The paper does read

(a) epigenetic aging is distinct from the process of cellular senescence and telomere attrition [me]

(b) several types of tissue stem cells are epigenetically younger than 

non-stem cells of the same tissue [me]

(c) a considerable number of age-related methylation sites, including some clock CpGs, are proximal to genes whose proteins are involved in the process of development me]

(d) epigenetic clocks are associated with developmental timing [me], and 

(e) relate to an epigenomic maintenance system [me].


Some process in all trillion cells is leaving behind a methyl group every time a C sugar has a phosphate bond to G sugar (called CpG islands) on the DNA. It happens in all cells but the brain and stem cells. Now Katcher believes that all communication in the body is by signal proteins. So clearly the mechanism is not damaged accumulation but programmed death. Trying to extend life is anti-evolution for our size – whales are the top predator in their food chain and live 300 to 500 years, or see elephants.

This data suggests that homeostatic maintenance of the body post-maturity is tied to an epigenomic clock process! As such, if plasma fraction treatment’s rejuvenating effect is mediated through the process of development and involves tissue stem cells, then its effect on the epigenetic age of the brain would appear to be modest, which indeed it does. It is to be noted, however, that improving brain function does not depend on neurogenesis as much as it does on synapse formation and factors such as NMDA receptors which decline in density with age.

Clinical suggestions are there for brain, heart, lung, and liver in that inflammation markers (IL-6 and TNF-α) went down and stayed down, and Nrf2 went up and stayed up. The rats became young and had the chemistry of the young, not just improved age markers! It is this that excites me so much!





Tuesday, September 7, 2021

How E5 works and why important to expose the secret


The latest link

Looks like real singularity, after intensive research, when marketed - USA first. Likely after FDA trial, in 1-2 years. To bio-hackers as me, buy+consume after FDA-1


It is not open, but that means that the intellectual property to my speculations is mine.  One never needs to admit that Katcher has solved a complicated math problem. The context of the bio-logical canvas is such that fairly simple theories have difficult proofs, required in open decentralized research. Sinclair's aging theory is one such gem. By tying aging to Epi-genome error correction, he did two great things


1.     1 Converted human aging to all-life aging

2.     2 Pre-2021 could anticipate the applicability of Horvath tables to Eularians. That is true science theory proof – not only does it describe things known when developed but has a prescient view of what happens in experiments done later. Einstein was validated yet again when gravity waves were found 7 decades after his demise.


3.    Without knowing E5, here is what it really is. The story of young blood use is likely to confuse all who will try to understand E5, needed for many new types of research. That is one way to benefit from the work. Sinclair had a much better approach to his disruptive workbook royalties and greatly improved life, at Harvard and in Sidney. I do not think money drives Katcher, but it drives people who invested in him. I think his answer would be even smaller than mine!

The bottom is Drs. Conboy link, more believed than Dr. Katcher spiel! In any case, I have written to Dr. Sinclair, Dr. de Grey, and Drs. Conboy, beseeching them for clarification.

Young blood does not reverse aging in old mice, UC Berkeley study finds

Insight 1: The DNA molecule has subsequences, both useful and evil. The epigenome sits over and shuts the evil ones off.

Insight 2: DNA marks (methyl) are not only markers of aging, but consequences of use! Removing them not only reduces bio age but makes you actually younger. The following story got to me (how?) that in the womb babies start with zero methylation, methylation advances at a normal pace, but is reset again to zero at birth! We undergo age reversal once anyway!

Insight 3: DNA never changes but epigenetic cover turns the gene off and on. Signal molecules in blood are the only way DNA information causes proteins to be built.

Insight 4: Katcher's work on breast cancer is essential to prevent cancers that will arise from poor reverse engineering.


In other words, the young blood base is simply a cover to confuse all the subsequent scientists. All kinds will cleverly look for signals and proteins till cows come home! Use of young blood is a feint!


There is in every cell a part that creates telomerase protein. It is needed since its sustained use is precisely cancer and it may happen anywhere. Part of the aging fix must be the determination of signal molecules for all kinds of cancers. I suspect that one large class can be shut off by e5 component, thus many cancers can be fixed. Katcher was the inventor of one cancer fix, whatever it is, it works to kill all those needing that telomerase. All? Unlikely!


The aging fix cannot be expected to be protective for all cancers. But a class of fixes can progressively cover most or even all cancers. That will happen only when E5 is exposed.

Very long but informative

The interviewer is the chief spokesperson for

Does it work

And my complaint - temporary halt to newer things. Very good short

It gave me lot of information. He believes 8 year cycle of redo for most humans since he says aging is accumulation of breaks in DNA, implicitly validating Sinclar work. Not asked and wont answer either on how many 8-year chunks are possible, theoretically if f is fraction of damages fixed, some power of f. Probably 10-12 i.e. 100 years. One must assume Yamanaka factors pefected in 100 years. So the singularity has come! Maybe Hbot good for fix of immune system only. Beyween E5 and Hbot, 100 years seem possible now.

Longevity as Industry


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My passion is becoming an industry. My life so far is becoming valuable with Computer science essential for business with ml/AI and worldwide data extracted from internet basic to data science. But my passion remains longevity. Active are ARDD ( aging Pharma) were


That brings me to next item, the main reason for missive, An American  biology professor Katcher, prof in Bombay for a while, working with a team of Indians has constructed E5 that he claims is true elixir of wish death. Easy to ignore such claims. But he followed the path that I have propagated in past and even today stick by it, saved from all frequent claims so far. That is to create a jury of recommending doctors, true celebrities but only inventors of new disruptive technologies and accepted by each other. These are Dr. deGrey, Dr. Sinclair, Dr. Horvath, Dr. Yamanaka and Drs. Conboy. This small list protects from advertising emfubars, will become ancient soon as I believe amrit has been found as E5, so described by Dr. Horvath and Dr. Sinclair. Too soon for others.





My belief – cautious accept.


How to proceed past health span of 122


The current record of oldest life is 122. Arguments can be advanced, beyond subhuman religions, that evolution has already chosen the maximal life span for humans, best guess bing 122, using the zugzwang arguments. That requires metabolism to be the same! All the faint hearts proving impossibilities fall into this trap. Human development is rife with conquest of announced impossibilities!

Saturday, September 4, 2021

I donot Agree AVIV claim is a fraud

How AdRev Copyright Claims Protect Music Buyers From Fraud

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Not ignore, but 5 days of intense excitement till I understood the disclaim below. The writer is saint Dr. Aubrey de Grey, for rejuvenation bioengineer as me, a computer scientist engineer in a medical doctor incremented MD doctorate.


Overhyping the Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment on Aging

Condensed simplified summary by me, useful if lost in reading above. My comments are so.


1.    An interesting open access paper was recently published. I use the word "interesting" quite deliberately, because that is exactly and all that this research is. The paper is appropriately formal and modest on that front, publicity breathlessly telling us that hyperbaric oxygen treatment reverses aging. This is ridiculous, and only makes it harder for the better end of the industry to make progress. 

It is best summarized as hyperoxic hypoaxic paradox milked for telomere extension in circulating immune system in peripheral blood. It is not the singularity but a clear medical advance useful for some medical conditions

Per the paper, hyperbaric oxygen treatment causes average telomere length to grow by ~20% and markers of cellular senescence to decrease by ~35% in populations of circulating immune cells.

Immune system strengthening will indirectly benefit the patients. But a published paper has found no improvements in fighting Covid-19!

This doesn't tell us that hyperbaric oxygen treatment is an amazing rejuvenation therapy, any more than the NAD+ and mitochondrial function data for exercise tells us that exercise is an amazing rejuvenation therapy. In both cases we already know the bounds of the possible. We know that these interventions don't turn older people into notably younger people. If we're calling exercise and hyperbaric oxygen treatment rejuvenation therapies, then the term "rejuvenation therapy" is meaningless.

What this does reinforce is the point that peripheral blood immune cell parameters can be very disconnected from the overall state of aging. We know that telomere length as assessed in these cells is a truly terrible measure of aging. Circulating immune cells are prone to large variations in the pace of cellular replication in response to circumstances. Immune cells replicate aggressively when provoked by the presence of pathogens or other issues requiring a coordinated immune response. Telomere length shortens with every cell division in somatic cells: in immune cells, telomere length thus has a very wide spread across individuals, varies day to day, is just as influenced by infection status and other environmental factors as it is by aging. It is just not all that helpful as a measure of aging, and downward trends with age are only seen in the statistics for large study populations.

It seems plausible that the same is true of cellular senescence in immune cells. Cells become senescent when they hit the Hayflick limit on cellular replication. Throughout much of life, the senescence of immune cells is likely more determined by replication pace (and thus immune challenges, the burden of infection) than by aging. And that is before we even get to the point that the authors of this paper used a less than standard measure of senescence, one for which it is possible to argue that it may or may not actually be representative of the burden of senescent cells in immune populations. Overall this data is all interesting, but I suspect that it tells us more about the poor relevance of the metrics chosen to anything other than the deeper aspects of immune function.

If hyperbaric oxygen treatment removed ~35% of senescent cells throughout the body, it would already be well known as a reliable therapy for arthritis, a way to reverse chronic kidney disease, a way to suppress inflammatory conditions, and an effective treatment for numerous chronic diseases of aging. 

In mice, removing a third of senescent cells via senolytic drugs produces reliably large and beneficial outcomes, while hyperbaric oxygen treatment does not. So clearly it is not globally clearing senescent cells - and nor should any responsible party be trying to present reductions in senescent immune cells as indicative of global senolytic effects throughout the body. What is observed here is an effect limited to the way in which the immune system is functioning. There is some evidence for hyperbaric oxygen treatment to improve resistance to infectious disease such as influenza, and that is interesting in and of itself, but I feel that much of what is going on here is an attempt by certain parties to jump onto the longevity industry bandwagon, rather than responsibly focusing on a realistic view of what can be achieved with their chosen intervention.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases telomere length and decreases immunosenescence in isolated blood cells : a prospective trial

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) utilizes 100% oxygen in an environmental pressure higher than one absolute atmospheres (ATA) to enhance the amount of oxygen dissolved in body's tissues. Repeated intermittent hyperoxic exposures, using certain HBOT protocols, can induce physiological effects which normally occur during hypoxia in a hyperoxic environment, the so called hyperoxic-hypoxic paradox. In addition, it was recently demonstrated that HBOT can induce cognitive enhancements in healthy aging adults via mechanisms involving regional changes in cerebral blood flow. On the cellular level, it was demonstrated that HBOT can induce the expression of hypoxia induced factor (HIF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and sirtuin (SIRT), stem cell proliferation, mitochondrial biogenesis, angiogenesis, and neurogenesis. However, no study to date has examined HBOT's effects on telomere length and senescent cell accumulation.

Thirty-five healthy independently living adults, aged 64 and older, were enrolled to receive 60 daily HBOT exposures. Whole blood samples were collected at baseline, at the 30th and 60th session, and 1-2 weeks following the last HBOT session. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) telomeres length and senescence were assessed. Telomeres length of T helper, T cytotoxic, natural killer and B cells increased significantly by over 20% following HBOT. The most significant change was noticed in B cells. There was a significant decrease in the number of senescent T helpers by -37.30% post-HBOT. T-cytotoxic senescent cell percentages decreased significantly by -10.96% post-HBOT.

In conclusion, the study indicates that HBOT may induce significant senolytic effects including significantly increasing telomere length and clearance of senescent cells in the aging populations.

Agree whole-heartedly with “A reminder that the media really are mostly a bunch of complete morons.”



2.     The Hyperoxic-Hypoxic Paradox

Here is why I believe Hyperoxic-Hypoxic Paradox HHP is intermediate to Dr. Grey (HYPE) and publicity (Singularity). It means that it is worth trying on self but no recommendation (solely benefit immune),

Hypoxia is reduced oxygen. It slows down immune system and slows metabolism. When it battles invaders, clearly you want it to be very active. But not for long – increases age damage! You want it very active in small intervals. In fact, with modern environments in developed world, need is small. That is why longer age happens in developed world. But it reduces the immune system and the damage from Covid-19 is more than India. In fact, the damage from Covid-19 varies with prosperity of the state. Only morons find politicians to blame, for or against. Only working tool is lock-down, economic bother for less developed country as India could not sustain tull but intelligent lockdowns in second wave.

99% long lived are found in mountainous regions. Common to them is low metabolism. All of this is paradoxical, safety demands active immune system! But that causes fast aging! As was seen in HBOT, telomeres grew only in hypoxia. But hypoxia kills! How can you get fake hypoxia? By subjecting patient to high pressure oxygen first, periodically reduced to normal air. That is what HHP is.

            If true, there exists a class of people doing so! These are divers who are subjected to hyper pressures on descent and have to surface with stops on way up to fight bends. They do have elongated telomeres but in blood only. HHP is no good for aging undo but good for immune system. Precisely what I need as fighting no-cure in mm diseases. So my intermediate position.

            Death is a process, legally after heart stops. That is followed by half hour during which brain dies. Cryonists freeze it then. Totally different are Cryobiologists  who study effects of cold on animals and plants. Can death be followed by reversible cryopreservation? Not only good for this, but also hibernation. Will happen by 2050. Only 30 more years! Want to live till then as I will be under 100 then.

HHP is doable by HBOT protocol today. That is probably not the only way. Divers can be simulated by a open well with timed moving machine in 200 m of water. Its trajectory and stop periods can be programmed and fully in control of the bioengineer! No need for any patient to know.


3.    I think we have to tamper our joy and hope of this therapy, not to say it is not useful, but some studies did not find such results; albeit, as you said, it may be due to the procedures differing.

''The HBOT protocol was administrated in a Multiplace
Starmed-2700 chamber (HAUX, Germany). The
protocol comprised of 60 daily sessions, five sessions
per week within a three-month period. Each session
included breathing 100% oxygen by mask at 2ATA for
90 minutes with 5-minute air breaks every 20 minutes.
Compression/decompression rates were 1 meter/minute.
During the trial, neither lifestyle and diet changes, nor
medications adjustments were allowed''

''Whole blood samples were collected into EDTA tubes
using a standard technique, at baseline, at the half-point
of the HBOT protocol (30th session), the day of the last
HBOT session (60th session) and 1-2 weeks following
the last HBOT session''

This specific treatment could explain why they saw telomere elongation...

''Exposing cell cultures to a hyperbaric environment has
been previously suggested to induce significant
oxidative stress and premature cells senescence [30].
However, this was based on isolated cells grown in a
hyperbaric incubator and not on the complex biological
system of humans as in this study. Similar to the current
study, a previous prospective one-year observational
study in divers exposed to intense hyperbaric oxygen,
showed significant telomere elongation in leukocytes ''

Thus, what is happening here, is not so much a use of extra O2 (100% O2) for ATP creation (mitoOXPHOS/oxidative phosphorylation)...but rather this causes a hypoxia in the body, and this was demonstrated in cell cultures (fibroblast) that low O2 makes much more numerous replicative bouts/population doublings. Thus, post-pones cell Leonard Hayflick's limit. So long as there is enough ATP in the cell to 'function enough'; this was shown with hormesis inducing a reduction of ATP in the cell but in doing so it caused reduction of the mitochondrial membrane potential and ROS emissions at the Complex I in ETC (electron transport chain) of mitochondrial inner membrane (if the membrane potential is lowered (a bit), the ROS is lowered too; so long as it is kept, if the potential is going too low then ROS elevates once again; it's a type of 'bell-curve' 'U-curve' shape graphic with ROS rising or lowering depending on state of potential), this is what is called 'mitochondrial depolarization'..when the mitomembrane potential becomes depolarized (which can cause cataclysmic reduction of ATP production/cell apoptosis) and then ROS will increase; when polarized, ROS is kept minimal or near-nill and there is then sufficient ATP production (at the electron-proton gradient that go through the proton pump).

Thus, what I think is really happening is a 'pseudo hypoxia' happens when you are exposed to many sessions (30-60 sessions) of repeated 100% O2 exposure; the body basically slows the metabolism due to this, and does a bit like, as they said, divers that go underwater and have pseudo hypoxia; same as people living in high altitude (mountains top), they face reduction of O2 and their blood/lungs/heart adjusted for such low O2 environment; under water there is low O2; in a hyper baric ends up the same causes pseudo hypoxia and reduces the O2 intracellularly, this will cause a sort of hormesis and activate HIF-1a (Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1-alpha) a master regulator of the hypoxia response in the body; crucial to survive ischemia and hypoxia (I live this (due to atherosclerosis), I have had ischemia events many times (lack of O2 to organs)...same as hypoxia), HIF-1 is what protects against ischemia events and makes sure the cell never falls too low otherwise ATP will catastrophically lower -> cell apoptosis/necrosis/senescence. Ischemia and hypoxia can cause necrosis, gangrene, cyanosis (cyanide causing anoxia), and destruction of tissues if there is not enough O2...I say 'not enough O2'...but it's not really O2...what it is Is ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate); if ATP is too low then will see these cellular events happen (such as apoptosis or necrosis; or it cell may survive and enter senescent state instead).

Animals that live longest, bowhead whales, groenland sharks, iceland clams and giant seaturtles, live 175 to 500 years...all of them live 'in hypoxia'..under water, just like divers diving deep beneath (water is low O2 environment), it is almost ironic that 99% of all the 'long-lived' animals are all Underwater/'Aquatic''s not a coincidence. And 100% of them have 'ultra-slow metabolism'.

Now, certain animals Also live under water and don,t live long - Zebra fish...the shortest living aquatic animal; Gold's not because underwater that necessarily live longer; they live in low O2 and still live short life. But that is where the other animals use the mechanism to their advantage (unlike these short living fish), cells cultured under lower O2 replicate Longer and post-pone Hayflick limit...

Now why? Because ROS is reduced in that case, if ROS is reduced (because there is less O2 to begin with; let's remember that ROS is OF O2 (R.O.S./Reactive Oxygen Species -> need Oxygen first); so with Less Oxygen; Less ROS being made...cause..less O2 available. Now, DNA damage can still happen despite a reduction of ROS; it's what happens when intracellular ATP levels fall so low. They can't be Too low, 'low-enough' is viable, not Too low/Nill/Null/0/Absent. No ATP = cell death. When hypoxia happens (by lowering internal O2 levels), cells can proliferate and replicate faster and in that moment they can repair better, and even elongate telomeres; thus, this pseudo hypoxia (by excess O2 exposition in hyperbaric chamber) would reduce ROS in cells, reduce senescence burden (or, at least, reduce senescent cells from accumulating; thus, 'freeze' the senescent markers or lower them), and this would end up just like hypoxia, diving, exercise or Calorie Restriction; a form of rejuvenation would happen and there would be Visible youthening of the body. 

2) "Throughout much of life, the senescence of immune cells is likely more determined by replication pace (and thus immune challenges, the burden of infection)" does this mean that an individual's immune system cells which are more active due to allergies, herpes, tattoo (the immune system attacks the tattoo ink) will senesce faster and shorten the individual's life?

Technically, yes, but it's more nuanced; an overactive immune system is not good (in the long run if it is chronic/never stops/never settles down); you need an 'on-demand' immune system that can 'mount' a 'solid offensive' -only and when- it is needed; after that is Must stop activity and be quiescent. So it's the 'hit and run' tactic with the immune system; it must do this quick and get it over with..and then leave right away. The better it can do that the better it deals with pathogens, cancer, virus, bacteria and so forth; it must not be a 'long drawn out' battle of the immune system against the invaders...the longer it 'lingers' the more potential for the immune system to fail or stay 'hyperactive''overdrive-mode'...and then this can cause 'auto-immune' diseases (lupus for example) and even atherosclerosis (my diesease, is also an 'overactive immune system' disease), when T-cells (T-helper/T-cytotoxic), NK-cells, Macrophages and other immunecells of the immune systhem that order killing of invaders..

If you have a solide immune system, it is better and you Need Immunity to live to a 100+ years old no way around that; but, your immune system must 'be dosed' and dose itself; and has to subside once a pathogen is phaged, animals that live the longest have solid immunity but it is also 'latent' and 'quiescent'...only when needed does it 'active/fire up' (and yes that happens often...your immune system must still slow down too, at least sometimes).

Just a 2 cents.

intermittent hyperoxic exposures, using certain HBOT
protocols, can induce physiological effects which
normally occur during *hypoxia in a hyperoxic
environment*, the so called **hyperoxic-hypoxic paradox**''

''On the cellular level, it was
demonstrated that HBOT can induce the expression of
**hypoxia induced factor (HIF)***, vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF) and sirtuin (SIRT), stem cell
proliferation, mitochondrial biogenesis, angiogenesis
and neurogenesis''