Saturday, September 11, 2021

E5: expose the secret. How?


To the Gentlement named below,

E5: expose the secret. How?

Looks like real singularity, after intensive research, when marketed - USA first. Likely after FDA trial, in 1-2 years. To bio-hackers as me, buy+consume after FDA-1.

My questions are in this font.

3.    Solely to assert your time is not wasted, I belonged to Unix Group at Bell Labs and professor of computer science in Univwesity of Massachusetts pre-retirement.

WWithout knowing E5, here is what it really is. The story of young blood use is likely to confuse all who will try to understand E5, needed for many new types of research. That is one way to benefit from the work. Sinclair had a much better approach to his disruptive workbook royalties and greatly improved life, at Harvard and in Sidney. I do not think money drives Katcher, but it drives people who invested in him. I think his answer would be even smaller than mine!

The bottom is Drs. Conboy link, more believed than Dr. Katcher spiel! In any case, I have written to Dr. Sinclair, Dr. de Grey, and Drs. Conboy, beseeching them for clarification, why the young blood claimed.

Young blood does not reverse aging in old mice, UC Berkeley study finds

Insight 1: The DNA molecule has subsequences, both useful and evil. The epigenome sits over and shuts the evil ones off.

Insight 2: DNA marks (methyl) are not only markers of aging, but consequences of use! Removing them not only reduces bio age but makes you actually younger. The following story got to me (how?) that in the womb babies start with zero methylation, methylation advances at a normal pace, but is reset again to zero at birth! We undergo age reversal once anyway!

Insight 3: DNA never changes but epigenetic cover turns the gene off and on. Signal molecules in blood are the only way DNA information causes proteins to be built.

Insight 4: Katcher's work on breast cancer is essential to prevent cancers that will arise from poor reverse engineering.

Isn't expose E5 needed for rapid use in attacking for more cures in modern medicine, given only treatment of persistent diseases are possible.


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