Saturday, September 25, 2021

 The latest link

This is not a simple logical essay, but the result of very hard work over twenty years, witnessing the dawn of amrit, hoping that I can distinguish it and partake in it. Belief in any religion is not criminal, finding ANY support for any distinct unobjective argument based on whatever you believe is criminal. I say above from 20 years of hard study. Science as rational skepticism RS is extended to TRS by me to define engineering as triaged RS. Evolution is viewed as natural engineering on life, solving polynomial and nondeterministic polynomial problems using time and biological sexual inheritance, intermittent & natural selection. 

Undo Aging - normal middle class or better


Aging undo is the oldest desire of humans, recorded since Gilgamesh of Mesopotamia 4000 years before. Since then, conscious and nasty stupid criminals have routinely attempted to sell based on guarantees to arrest the pace of aging. I pull no punches – every such person, especially claimants associated with the religion of ALL kinds is a criminal. Note that my introduction itself delineates who isn’t and is worth spending time on. If you disagree then fuck off, this is not for you.  


With this definite position, what remains? Simple logic states that some axioms must remain that are basic to your argument, these then define a new religion. True, except that one can define some axioms by statements that are falsifiable, but true objectively, italicized to indicate the word phrase has an extensive philosophical meaning needed to understand beyond lazy conversational usage, for example, paradigm change. Objective truths imply experimental repeatable. Clearly, all historical facts cannot be objective. That aging can be addressed without any presumptions is hard but required.


Science is a collection of objective truth. Thus, it has the property of being falsifiable. Positively, it is rational skepticism. It can be viewed as a collection of models on mathematics, objects, or animals. I assert that one can understand nature, behavior, life by science. Life here means creation (evolution), progress (medicine), and aging.


These are four defining properties of evolution (triage, natural selection, intermittent, sexual duplication) that result in triaged evolution essential to obtain a result in evolution-reasonable time. Imperfect consequences happen because evolution success is by choices resolved to favor objective survival over usefulness for humans. It explains while whales, elephants, and naked molar rats live so long, free of disease, we don't - it is all triage, not the stupid choice of any god.


Basis of triaged evolution?

Coming up with organs for new chemicals is a slow non-engineer aspect of evolution. Much better for survival is an unusual use of existing chemicals. It will propagate by improved survival of those capabilities. But there is a problem, which system gets the chemical first if use is shared.  Given the style of evolution, it is easy to see that the organism which divides unequally will prosper over communistic equal division if the user1 is more important for immediate survival than the user2.


As aging undo bioengineers, we do not have to ape natural evolution blindly. Let us pseudo-argue from D3 and K2. The body can use the D3 vitamin as making calcium precipitate more on bones and dissolving its precipitate in vascular paths. Naïve evolution prefers bones as the strength of bones improves survival (fix varying amounts of osteoporosis starting osteopenia). The vascular calcium creates only osteoarthritis, painful but not useful in survival. K2 vitamin (best as MK-7) acts like D3 but does not do bone fix like D3. So a diet good in d3+k2 is a lot better for patients to escape osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, no matter how evolution proceeded in the patient. Given D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin, it can be eaten every day, weekly and monthly, depending on the patient. I take all K2 and some D3 per day, rest every week. D3 poisoning happens but very rarely, the current dosage max of 30,000 IU per week was routinely done at 500,000/month IU in the sixties. It is hard to self-poison. Typical extreme dosage results in D3 high, like president Trump's speech in Florida, after releasing from Corona-19 infection.


I am a Ph.D. engineer, not an MD. The complete undo Aging is viewed by many native (America) persons as a subject for western MD, but I strongly differ. The entire undo Aging subject is essentially genetics and immunology, last being a specialty unknown to usual MD or MBBS to any depth. The mRNA forms a basis, just as genetic engineering does. The entire subject is better-called cell engineering, and that will be used by me hence, with undo aging being my goal and I posit that cell engineering does that. All structures bigger than a cell is where medicine starts.


Brand of suggested medicine


It is slightly unusual since I do not condemn methods. I do not consider any style to be free of errors but recommend all medicine not based on only cure but based on usual unintended errors too. By that belief, homeopathy is not criminal but excellent only whenever a placebo is useful. Legal limits must be placed on various formats to show experimentally that all patients that subscribe to a view benefit objectively. All practitioners are faced with a time limit and all practitioners are punished for patients not cured within diagnosed intervals at the start. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to refuse patients unlikely to benefit. People that benefit from placebo are afflicted with a transient disease. The goal is to separate them into genuine disease and transient diseases. Time is lost in genuine cases but to only recoverable extents.


Short statements to prevent bothering some people, fuck off if this bothers you.

Ayurveda and likes have a long history including a modern period free from the external disease-vector theory of causation and cure. Not all diseases are external organisms caused and this is exactly when allopathy fails, with excellent treatments but no cure for heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, cancer, aging, etc. 


Undo aging is about compressing old-age decrepitude and life extension?

Undo aging with cell bioengineering is likely a cure for these chronic diseases, aging, and cancer as well. Apart from in vivo methods, cell transplantation CT techniques will be developed that can slowly, several cells at a time, will be able to extract in vivo cells, process them in the lab and restore them pipelined into the sampled organ. This is then the new medicine I wish to experiment with. But the current essay is on causation and cure, pointing out the failures and cures beyond excellent treatments of modern western medicine. I wish to complete this section with what more to allow beyond western medicine even while stating that ALL talking about wholesomeness, top-down, executive-like, and quantum mechanics in health are meta-moron (condemned to be unfixable chronic morons) emfubar criminals.


Who to believe and why?

There is a small list of pioneers in aging who have two and more paradigm-changing developments in aging and will not be falsely drawn into support of any new aging method for abusive advertisement professional reasons without critical speaking of others in this list. They are Dr. de Grey (SENS, Methuselah, funding,…), Dr. Sinclair (resveratrol,  NMN, optic nerve grow, …), Drs.  Conboy(Original parabiosis,1920 correction test, …), Dr. Horvath (DNAm, Eutherian aging, …), Dr. Yamanaka(DNA reprogramming,Yamanaka factors). You can set up your own list but I suggest a very shortlist consciously searched and applied. You are certainly stupid if this essay is ignored by inaction. Do something, not necessarily as I suggest.

Aging basics?

Objectively increasing health span by 14 years is easy, says Dr. Sinclair. The good advice from all elders of long sleep, low stress, exercising, good fat-free food, and short infrequent feed habits will do it. The objective for him with mice model experiments, and additionally for me by analyzing the life span of my father. My goal is curing chronic age diseases first, lifespan later! Healthspan at least 150 years.

Only science axioms?

This entire essay builds upon the objective possibilities of two century-old interventional experiments of the lifespan of animal models of mice, rats, primates, and observational studies on humans. Calorie restriction, Intermittent fasting, and exercise. Benefits of calorie restriction and exercise are possible with chemicals, best helped by lower intensity CR and exercise. Or practice CR+Intermittent fasting+exercise only and no chemicals, but that limits you to 14-20 years.

There is one test described by Dr. Sinclair on mice. An experimenter-set divided mice into several groups and fed them at different times various classes of food. Then they waited for mice to die. Uniformly, without distinction of foods taken, the longest-lived were those who were fed just once in a small time slot even if the mice gorged equal amounts to those with several well-spaced feeds! I call it intermittent feed. Both he and his 81-year-old father have a big dinner, soup, and tea several times the rest of the day. They are both healthy lookers and act young! Perfect for aging scientists - apply to self and family first. 

Aging theory?

You need to clean up vesicles and oppose NAD+ decrement and decrement continuously rising SASP that continuously reduces NAD+. NAD+ booster chosen is NMN. Pterostilbene for vesicals. Fisetin+ to reduce CD38 in SASP. Know if working by energy level after November megadose of Fisetin (mayo protocol).

Recommended food?

Nothing makes a difference! Only meta-morons advise edible and forbidden! Diabetes defines my food. Has no food effect on aging. I have changed to big breakfast, small lunch and small dinner. But no one in the family is converted, will be willing negative controls! On the other hand, I wait November 2021. The point for me is I start in 4 days to see if the supplements I ordered, will stand for exercise. Apart from K2/D3 with no aging concerns, these are NMN and Pterostilbene for NAD+ increment and fisetin for SASP decrement.

Plan so far?

Assuming MIB-626 gets FDA2 approval and can be sold, it replaces NMN and Pterostilbene. If E5 is sold even within the USA, switch to it. Fisetin+ continues.

Cell medicine

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