Sunday, September 19, 2021

Best one hour of your life


(1+ hour) The recent content in this talk between the two greatest scientists on aging is disruptive science for all non-scientists, answering even “What happens to earth with the conquest of death?” even though that is an audience question and not more than 1% of the aging seminar. The bottom line for Dr. Sinclair is “why do we have a pathetic physique, dead by even a chimp sharing an enclosure with us, if it happened, pathetic 10 finger hands in double, …”.To which I add “single heart even if all other organs have redundancy”. Our technology has solved some problems, but every fix has created newer problems. Will we ever get down from the treadmill? Or will those still on, ensure we don’t get off! To this, the other Dr, Lee, aged pioneer, summarizes


1.    Aging in the latest theory, has been pushed back billion years to the first unicellular life, all life ages the same way, genetically in each cell, be it plant, animal, bird, human. Sinclair’s theory of information points to cell death from errors in DNA repair.

2.    Aging is simplicity and elegance shared by all life.

3.    We can use yeasts, mice, etc. to model and learn about humans. Some animals (eutherians and also jawed vertebrates) model humans (science means modeling phenomena by mathematics, instruments, or animals).

4.    Aging is a disease, which can be arrested

5.    Even reversed as redundancy is obtained by an epigenetic layer over DNA which is intact regardless of age

6.    Chronic diseases are underlain by aging and may be cured, unlike modern medicine(allopathy) which can not handle chronic diseases without an organic cause. (Treatment yes, cure no).

7.    Next ten years (9 by me) will see disruptive changes revolutionize not just aging but the decrepitude of aging.


I stand corrected, the aging bounty is not just for exercise freaks but all. To live to a widely accepted amrit requires funds and fitness, though. Ando undoes aging will not be cosmetic. We are 65+, not 50+. Too many of my colleagues are dead, forever.



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