Saturday, December 23, 2017

Synchronized vision

Virtual reality VR is allowing people to see their choice. That is where my imagination ended, even though VR is on precipice of realization. I EVEN DREAMT OF STOIC HEAVEN WHEN AVATAR WOULD BEGIN TO TRANSMIT INFORMATION BACK. On all channels – sight, sound, smell, taste. Even that is on precipice of realization. Time to expand and start looking at “so what?”

1.       Heaven for kids and adult kid-like – Be that person or object! An actor, actress, formula driver, sports figure etc. could carry the instruments to broadcast the feelings. So would space craft, LHC etc. (virtual feelings).

Smart business would differentiate in prices between vision, vision + audio, vision+ audio+ acceleration (possible with customer strapped into a ferris-wheel) etc.

2.       The BBC brainwave control could be generalized, like some new US toys from star wars and Jedi emulation.

But Time to expand and start looking at “so what?”

1.       Empathy amplification – nothing like imagining in other’s shoe, except even better share the experience virtually – handicaps, race, struggle etc.

2.       An object is real if many people see it same (perspective different). That is particularly easy for VR to synchronize! Entire family may share a virtual house with objects. Family may meet each other in rooms.

3.       Family could be friends. Leaders etc. Modi would present his dream Bharat, Rahul would too. Then it falls on voters as to who to believe!

4.       Dresses, locations, diseases etc. do not matter! That is how class-of-75 reunion 2030 happens! Then IITK director etc. can be invited in the meet. We (avatars) can go to sports ground for joint pic.

5.       No worry of deceased colleagues. The reunion can be held till the last one lives. The avatars are immortal. They may be attached to software post death. Transparent unknown switch!

6.       And who will the last one be? The reunion will likely not be held thereafter! unless the alumni section is instructed to have a virtual meet after first 100 then 1000, then 10000 etc years, Virtually. We will not ce around. But IITK will be. So will its alumni department, called whatever, then.

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