Saturday, December 2, 2017

Annual aaquantum 2017

Nothing but epistemology of scientific method is required to derive all from the only assumptions of external existence of the universe and compulsion of death to this apatheistic complete model of reality.

Full details of how the Universe came to be
The greatest gift of all is settlement of some of the quantum mysteries and realization of quantum wonders through nanotechnology!
Indefinite life - Is it even possible? How does one prepare for it? How to delay aging while waiting for transfection.

Why is the early social life of stoics in early Roman empire the humanity's golden age? Historically, there were five great emperors ending in the greatest philosopher-emperor of them all - Marcus Aurelius. I suspect greatness because as luck will have it, none could father a male, and had to pass on to adopted of choice. All till the last! There was NO democracy or term-limitation then.

Democracy with term limited powerful executive makes the qualities of emperor irrelevant. This is because the powerful can find the power somehow within the democracy. The weak cannot and become historical fodder. Institutional power provides checks and balances on the executive.

Now the next improvement is present - blockchain or my super medium!

Next decades

We are in the cusp with two technologies we can use but not understand! These are machine learning AI on giant neural nets and Quantum mechanics. Empirical advances are still possible and will happen through Hintonian capsule encapsulation of AI and atomic layer thick depositions for vastly revolutionary electronics. Politically and legally, power will shift to privacy-preserving blockchain or my super medium, both improved by adding transaction taxes and reserve requirements!.

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