Sunday, December 24, 2017

Mad New direction

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This is long painful reply to the publication by an accomplished senior of mine who has gone mad! The reason is simple – there are political imperatives why congress and bjp are united – the only way to accomplish Sir nai disha (Sir new direction) is extreme undemocracy – totalitarianism. In the unlikely case of win, by this platform hidden, Sir nai disha will face massive mid-term losses and true pathetic defeat!

Frontispiece is my changes which might survive. Here is why –

Full supports to GST rates is dumb and anti-economic
Elimination (minus flaws) of right to education is criminally stupid
Upfront elimination of reservations, price caps, retrospective taxation and anti-mnrega is criminal political hara-kiri i.e. suicide

This fellow is certainly a buffoon after great accomplishments!

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