Monday, December 25, 2017

Hardware blockchain

Su in our class-of-75 group wrote about Dubai doing blockchain by 2020 and motherfucking beasts I despise most – lawyers and government servants. I am very comfortable with blockchain as it is rejuvenation of supermedium of my thesis – done well with Ethernet based public contention secretaries. Bell labs, sandy Fraser and ken Thompson were no fools to hire me in 1980, or when they fired me in 1986 for non-delivery for all networks.

That happened because I never could imagine lovely mining method of distributed contention resolution. Yet it is a beautiful method with built-in method for incentives, paid for in currency controlled! Bitcoin for you.

Great for all including NSA. Perhaps Dubai will be the first state fully fuck able by NSA by 2020. Or my war-cry to sell my privacy-enforcing hardware! Cryptonote with ring signatures and zcash have two other algorithms. Both and more like them in future have a problem I don’t – failure happens on breach of security by a miner! It could be fully secure and private from outside, but NSA is expert in targeting and subverting key guys and gals!

My solution is simple – encryption is maintained whenever outside hardware! Let AAP and Hardik yell about hacked EVM machines. My solution – punitive responsibility! Lock up chief honcho, picked hackers and machines for 2 hours. At the end either successful or not or excuses (like we would have but we were missing x). Punitive means excuses ignored. Yes or NO.  Election commission fucked or AAP? HARDIK (10 years labour prison, nothing to fix)!

My solution open to experts. But done in protected hardware! Like  inside batteries with mechanical wire switches in TEMPEST protection shells, dynamic temperature circuits bathed in oil etc. Several such facilities on clouds ok.

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