Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The modi school student

Beyond the painful attack by my illustrious senior on Modi and my total discount of his goals as only possible in extreme totalitarianism, following is a positive note on how India will move forward and avoid the coming pandemic disease of century-21 of unemployable multitudes that will devastate western populations. If anything, green level control of pollution is the only true universal public service in India. One must really believe that blockchain technology will eliminate the middlemen – equals middle class and not for criminality or inefficiency, but competing against vastly less criminal and vastly more efficient machines!

These are 4-pillars already launched and more in my mind.  Launched are digital payments, Make In India, Start-Up India and Skill India. Start-up India and skill-India are the basic essential weapons against joblessness. Make-in-India, also on swap basis is absolutely essential protection against higher efficiency elsewhere. Digital payments as absolutely essential to cut parallel economy and devastate state enemies.

It is possible with almost no honest pain to do annual demonetization!

One may do symmetric-swap Make-in-india&x .Asymmetric fine where tech is imported but not jobs-value-added.

Skill-India gets a massive boost from my incentives with 1-level pyramid marketing – government shares a part of taxes collected from the skilled with the instructor! In fact, no reason NOT to make it for all education!

Start-up India, the best tonic is ease in taxation at early stage.

Reservations are neither entitlements nor caste based but atonement by the capable for the sins of our forefathers. Two critical changes to devastate behenji and hardik the monster – reservations NOT based on caste but income (Bottom 50%) and timebound move from caste based to income based. Fuck the creamy layer reservations and Hardik!

Education rights (Fuck the commie based distance based admissions) essential. Why?

1.      Todays unemployed are tomorrow voters
2.      Society without exploitation possible only then
3.      Proper education essential to fight western pandemic shaping up

4.      I can extremely confidently say that every skill-India scheme by ALL government servants will be fucked –up, only superior to Janata ideas. So fucked are AAP, Congress and BJP models. Who next? Market! Incentives! Mother-fuck every wise guy!

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