Saturday, December 23, 2017

ArunArya Augmented Shared Virtual Reality AASVR

AASVR is my invention, natural from AR and VR, were SVR is pronounced as if SCR was spoken but the k became a V. It names 4 important characterizing components –

A – Augmented reality which inputs reality but augments it by removing certain colours by making the objects transparent, somewhat like a GIF. The transparent objects only are filled by VR. Suppose one were to mark a rectangle on a wall blue. Now one can view scene through my instrument in which blue is marked transparent. VR will paint only the transparent portions. The consumer can paint a TV there! Project slides! Remains a blue rectangle for all others

S – Shared. Others MAY look at what the first does. Or see another channel, fool the principal! The principal may be elsewhere dressed howsoever. May even be dead only a software playing! Even pretending to be alive – differently to different people. Or perhaps missing only, not dead!

V – Virtual reality from real video shots with blue screen overlay like burning buildings – of toy scenes, enlarged and blue screen merged. Somewhat like dragons in game of thrones! One can so simple applications and import the complex already done!

R – Reality

Characteristics of AASVR , claimed by me, of AASVR is double chromatic subtraction - both AR and VR layers. In fact, the VR layer could be another AR layer (blue chair on green screen, green subtracted, overlayed on reality with no subtraction). A computer tether is NOT needed!

There is the interesting issue of perspective. 3D pictures are only possible by fusing two images. Two individuals are at different location only with different perspective. Continuous deformations allow a finite small representation of any object recovered from many 3D pairs/ Then the object can be examined in 3D from any perspective.

Unlike complex VR or AR, AASVR can be implemented in cheap mobiles. So it will not compete with occulus rift. It will blow other similar cost phones out of water!

None of this is sci-fi but cutting edge 2018! That’s exponential curves for you! If Amdahl’s law holds to 2020 (very likely), you have seen nothing yet!

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