Sunday, February 26, 2017

Controversial belief

A Two hundred year life

Mind expanding humerous survey of immortality ideas

If any moron finds doubts in linking document, there is no sense in being abused. Just lay off and we are happy being ships that pass each other on dark night. This presents belief that I have and trot out to be attacked on. It does not show weakness of belief but certainly of arguments for and lack of strong arguments against.

What the hell can non-MD know? Lot, compare to top quality TED MD!

Trick is careful empirical+nogo-theorem analysis.
  1. I think that all organisms age equally and uniformly at individual rates of course, but within a factor of 3, much faster some times but never slower than the best. This is strongly supportive of telomere-like hypothesis, which is a part of DNA, hence universal across animals and shortening on cell division hence age limiting. Once the telomerEs become too small, the organism dies. Cancer is simply telomeres that refuse to shorten, hence causing boil like harm to shortening telomere  tissue. However attractive be this theology, the empirical fact is there are birds where it does not dwindle etc. Scientists are not yet sure. But they have been able to use telomerase in the lab to keep human cells dividing far beyond their normal limit, and the cells do not become cancerous.
    If we used telomerase to "immortalize" human cells, we may be able to mass produce cells for transplantation, including insulin-producing cells to cure diabetes, muscle cells for treating muscular dystrophy, cartilage cells for certain kinds of arthritis, and skin cells for healing severe burns and wounds. An unlimited supply of normal human cells grown in the laboratory would also help efforts to test new drugs and gene therapies
  2. Alternate, NOT NECESSARILY EXCUSIVE,  hypothesis is that growth factors are absolutely needed till adulthood but turn around and cause disease past adult hood species-wide. It has support in humans when insulin needed by muscles becomes a major direct killer for diabetics through strokes and diabetes B and Alzheimer effect on brain in survivors. Top three killers, when one considers why, reduce to telomere shortening (cancer) and insulin. Just control of these 2 give up 120 year life! ECP gives blood flow. Inexpensive diabetes medicines are in use and well understood. Telomere needs to be researched. ECP, exercise and good diet (calories are killed by ECP and exercise, insulin levels aggressively controlled). A recipe most doctors will not object too
  3. Hibernation is one promising avenue. A lot is possible with small animals, However, once bear complexity is reached, temperature drops of 85 from 95 fahrenheit happens. That is different from sci fi, a tech fi (i.e. mine) limit of modest increase is best believed and plenty of competent people are already doing so! Like tech fi in general, science advances can only shorten the time-line! I only posit 80 year gain over next century, based on extrapolation, not faith, hibernation is not the only shot. 
  4. So the Dr. Path pronouncement after my impressive (for then 1998) power point presentation – won't help you but can't hurt – on statins/. Now consider above – ECP, exercise, aggressive insulin control, vitamin stuffing, anti-oxidants with Glutathione bio-availability, cheerful stoic disposition, I deserve another “won't help you but can't hurt”. Telomeres are different – likely need new biotechnology and stem cells. I believe if controlled in 30 years, we are talking high quality of life 110-120. We need another 80 years. But the 60 years from now likely will solve that gap.
  5. There is a particular reason for my cheer, with electronics/computer background. The progress functions are exponential, tremendous success happens in final few years, gain of 80 years life in 60+40 is not that weird! Capital for electronic-brain interface is there as it is greatly needed in rehabilitation of limb losers and stroke patients! I complimented my EEG technician 3 years ago and BBC introduced think-change-channels only 2 years ago and all the jeddi toys 1 year old.. Next very big advance happens when avatars can feel and report back on felt as sensations. Then new meaning to "almost there" starts. You can be spaceship, car racer or driver, NBA player, movie-star, professor any one? Briefly my tech-fi elysium!
  6. So summary of immortality my tech fi way is 60 years by ECP & anti-oxidants with glycation minimization; 80 years by hibernation and unlimited by cyborgification. True sci fi can only make it faster!
  7. Another different exciting way is the deGrey method.

------------------ disussion ropund about

This is a very good talk for the devotees of allopathic medicine. (me). I agree 100% .

The answer to drawbacks of allopathic medicine is NOT to revisit the lesser effective medicines of past! Trick is distinguish acute and chronic, limit allopathic medicine to acute and trust medical grads more for chronic. One thing I say CLEARLY, also found here, contrary to most allopathic medicine, is the belief that the root causes of chronic diseases unify to very few - glycation (sugars), telomeres (cancers) and anti-oxidants. Do just these, and 200 year life yours (28 years for Kurtweil, 150 for me) to singularity.

I have undergone many specialities, have come to sugars.Never had csancers but stem opposed telomeres are answers. Ant-ocidant for in-built ant-fraigility. Tough sugar control (exercise and diet & metmorphin+Teneligliptin) will do it (green tea, custartard apple,guvava etc for anti-oxidants, stoicism for true cheer) Above was lovely for me for here was a true MD agreeing with my conclusions!

Distinction between acute disease and chronic disease is not so clear cut. Many acute diseases have similar root causes as chronic diseases. For example, last week my daughter had strep throat three days after returning to US from India. We took her to our vaidya in the US, and she treated her without the antibiotics that an allopath would have surely prescribed. More interestingly, the vaidya examined her throat without any gloves or face masks. She said that she does not catch infection from her patients because her body (immune system, if you will) is healthy.

Failure to distinguish between chronic and acute diseases can be very hurtful as can differentiation between treatment-needed and transitory diseases can be on wallet and immunities.Clear applicable  language, like constitution, that can change but only with super majority of licensed stakeholders in treatment.for differentiation

Better word than false is less-effective.

The strep-throat episode I would place in transitory - allopaths are very good as diagnosing common colds as strep, common colds are way more common. I do not question your avoidance of antibiotics - develop resistance and BAD idea to use to be on safe side. I suspect homeopath would be as good as Vaidya! placebo WILL DO, AND colds can LOOK BAD. There is NO reasonable way using anecdotal data and any statistical will have sieve-like holes!

My own thinking is based on 1. proper allopath fix of acute problems 2. No ideas on effective prevention of similar recurrence but fine on exact, exotic diseases and my disbelief I could NOT have SO MANY bad genes given my father/mother free and upbringing ok. It follows then the chronic diseases sprang from one source – found insulin and telomere.


HqolLongevity research

Chemistryand Physics of Diseasse


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