Wednesday, February 1, 2017

2017 – Great Year at last

Disclaimer: Only words with aaqgs semantics are used and aaqgs is the sole responsible owner. aaqgs-Artificial-evolution is related to biological and memetic evolution and refers to the claim that ONLY advantage nature had over human quantum computations has been billions of years of natural selection evolution that can be modeled in years and computed in hours. You-tube and vimeo links, unless so marked, are considered free link.
This looks like ad, is, but summarized my statement well
1. The point is 2017-2020 is when many companies fail, become laggers and marked for fail.
2. Not new, MANY large retail houses have died already.
3. OIE fuck you, inexperienced in digital world, all the experience before is irrelevant hot air.
4. The big shots have exactly my TBI madness – fucked if cautious and fucked differently if not.
5. I have exactly the unignored niceness shown to me as sick. It is possible to enter entire family line of enemies in computer and revenge by simple technique – ignoration boycott. Only need is great for me – be very successful. More successful, faster revenge. Allows me to be anywhere, pass on secrets, keep revenge alive to dooms day.
6. Three products jump at me from research, only I can do on earth – Quadratic factoring in a discrete field. No magic here – any moron can multiply in Field i.e. compute x*x. What is undo able except negligible integers is compute the square root.
7. Given any string s, I provide free digest(s). Given any numbers a and b, modulo any M, I provide free a*b%M
8. Now sq-rt is not practical. Hence if given, can be checked i.e. claim(x is sq-rt of y) checked bu x*x = y.
9. Cant change text s – prefix it with sq-rt(digest(s))
10. send MSG to some one – encrypt(MSG) with k and publish k*k. Only target can decode.
11. I solve 2 difficult problems – money making and reverse engineering.
12. money making is easy, M has life of rest of year. It dies henceforth but all previous uses remain secret!
13. Prevention of reverse engineering by abusing my code is easy – 95% of code can be safely published by FSF code, since the algorithms known. Only new thing is sq-rt knowing some magic of M. That computation only in protected centers and results communicated in net by rsa! Can use rsa since only one sender and one receiver!
14. First is never encrypted, but secure broadcast. By add of sq-rt.
15. Next use is secure email, free for rest of year.
16. Next is untappable secret phone call, free but have to use my phones.
17. Finally, paid responsible text, that allows sender to bury private secrets in sent mail and recipient to auto-check the secrets, both sides fully free of knowledge of cryptography. Makes 21 century sense for marriage sites, employment application, etc, even general mail, particularly to opposite sex! strictly better than paper certificates (easy forging), paper banknotes (easy color xerography), taping (easy rerecording), photo (easy remixing) and video (colorization and blue screens).

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