Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Aging foods

Disclaimer: because my advice is non-Ayurveda, positively non-homeopathic (criminal) not-like-friends, be warned. Only tolerated are modern medicine with belief that 80% mm are honest OIE cunts and require extensive internet research to believe. They are Widely abusively (to consumer) penetrated by evil adsters and subhuman incentivizaion that makes every story suspect if not

Cochrane | Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health, only trustworthy advice on planet earth.

The most sensible ways to do well is high anti-oxidant bio-available foods. Using them, exercise, ecp; I believe can push my life to 95, past the sweet zone of cyborg transition.

The golden aaaqgs-rule for serious believability in any chemical is
  1. checked publication in high quality journal
  2. Highest concentration in healthy adults
  3. lower in healthy older
  4. level lower in sick elderly
  5. Lowest in hospitalized elderly
  6. Has well defined mechanism i.e. Anti-oxidant
  7. Passes the aaqgs-test of “why only now”
  8. Tested by others to escape new-subject syndrome
  9. Why not widely prescribed
  10. Cant-hurt attitude
  11. Reasonable bio-ability as food or no reaction direct injection

So far over 30 years, statins, Stevia and ECP have passed these tests. Independent of doctor belief, I practice them. Now a fourth Glutathione. Starting on it, making wife and parents follow it. One part is testable within a month – wife loves it! Glutathione interferes in melanin production ie people get fairer! Within a month! So she was photographed at start and again after a month – compare then objectively. She has eaten it a week now and every day looks at the mirror! Not that I can see – still three weeks!

Glutathione has been labeled master anti-oxidant.

Don't be carried away. Remember that Sir Pauling himself believed Macro-dosages of Vitamin-C (1000% daily needs) and had conspiracy-theory-explain of doctors! Nevertheless, Glutathione praises as anti-oxidant are common, first 5 points are from Lancet in UK. Warning – expensive as typical self-nutrition-joker-consumers have discovered it. You can even get soaps and creams – never mind how it works - most idiots respond to word Glutathione - love to emfubar an objecting adster subhuman!

It supplements guava, sharifa (custard apple) and mangos! With it, no Shortage of anti-oxidant. Incidently, if you see US returned gora (Sir white) as an entrant to 50th graduation anniversary celebration, don't be surprised!

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