Friday, February 3, 2017


1. There are expected to be three effects of this – greatly fanned enmity, true madness imprint and yawn. True friends are not just admirers but point to deficits – implied nonsense (self-contradictions)  and incompleteness , as well as pointers to unmarked references. My own response is humor for critics and friends. True friends are those who I listen and incorporate.
2. In terms of timing, I do believe that I have reached a plateau in thinking when prescriptions can be rolled out. Clearly, 1919 is the target. Unlike OIE morons, I do not have administrative experience. Unlike Sir Trump, I do not have vast business experience either. What I will have, by then, is the fastest financial exponential rise in history. And vast experience in technologies that will matter then – quantum processes, veracity through modular arithmetic safe against hacking, and business formation.
3. My square root form got a massive boost, for the NSA hurt itself massively by making my equally good competition untrustworthy! Poor NIST, IETF and UNO!

IBE wiki
Has listed generic drawbacks of all known IBE, but not mine, except that 4.. Quantum computers are not-available doing Shor!
1 If a Private Key Generator (PKG) is compromised, all messages protected over the entire lifetime of the public-private key pair used by that server are also compromised. This makes the PKG a high-value target to adversaries. Me: No center, even distributed. Can retract keys.
2 Because the Private Key Generator (PKG) generates private keys for users, it may decrypt and/or sign any message without authorization. This implies that IBE systems cannot be used for non-repudiation.  Untrue wiki! Me: No center, even distributed.

3 A secure channel between a user and the Private Key Generator (PKG) is required for transmitting the private key on joining the system. Can build personal RSA, keys never known. No implied escrow.

4 IBE solutions may rely on cryptographic techniques that are insecure against code breaking quantum computer attacks (see Shor's algorithm). Only irrelevant adiabatic QC on horizon without Shor capability!

Personal points

1 No one (terrorist) can abuse a nations communication system even with foreign help.
2 Provable safety against other nations.
3 Police with legitimate warrant can decrypt messages of any one only for warrant period, and no one else gets effected by a surveillance.

When ready (end of year), now that Bugs have been overcome for long, sq-rt encryption will be partnered for free (ad) magic- checksum, one-year-long-safe-email, my-telephone-set-safe-call aquas-responsible-letter. Then my company will develop aaqgs-must-pay-producer, PTO
-detrademarker, iot-process-safe-messaging  and  aaqgs-safe-banknote.

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