Saturday, February 4, 2017


    When ready (end of year), now that Bugs have been overcome for long, sq-rt encryption will be partnered for free (ad) magic- checksum, one-year-long-safe-email, my-telephone-set-safe-call aaqgs-responsible-letter. Then my company will develop aaqgs-must-pay-producer and aaqgs-safe-banknote.

Claim is that all these benefit from and might not be doable safely without my sq-rt in discrete field and that a consumer can safely extract the sqrt without endangering my code. Matters not what you think of opaque basis (anti-gravity?), point is that all these wonderful inventions flow from a small basis itself very satisfying! And ingenious.

Safe extraction of sq-rt

  1. Random numbers have an interesting property – if two independent streams are xor, the resulting steam is no less random than the more random of two inputs. So one can safely construct a random number by coring the results of a large number of random generators, including those known ridiculous.
  2. Modular exponentiation is a non-negligibly a permutation for semi-primes. So doing an exponentiation modulo a semi-prime will improve a random.
  3. After a good random, nearest larger prime is easy to get.
  4. Multiplying two such primes gets a random semi-prime. No one knows its factors but you.
  5. Extraction is done by my computer on the net. You simply send modulus, square, your semi prime and permit (to get sq-rt, given by family administrator and good for year) encrypted by my computer. I get the answer after eligibility check, and return it encrypted in your semi prime
  6. Safety follows from RSA safety and uniqueness of permit, secret known only to you and family administrator.
  7. I can have any number of connected user sites of my computer, each doing the sq-rt privately. Knowing even trillion*trillion sq-rt tells you nothing about another number! Easy to see, you can generate own trillion-trillion by squaring till cows come home!

To make money

  1. Following are much smaller advances than sq-rt, nevertheless not disclosed since useful for other methods and hence valuable.
  2. First is safe retraction – how does a modulus become unusable without disclosing previous messages.
  3. Second is annual death - how does a modulus die every year but without disclosing previous messages.
  4. So here is how money is made – A family administrator keeps adding people to his family. There is an add charge. The members can write to each other, each message has a nominal charge to receiver like 1/100 cent. IoT process too. An author/producer per sale too like 10 cents. Per call too like 1/100 cent. My telephones can remember customer public. Each call requires nearest Jacobi of sender/+receiver/+clock/+date and is untappable due to sq-rt
  5. Or banknotes, image filters will be sold, that will reduce banknote images (any vision chi) to bits needed (my) and IO on cloud. Expected rate in ms. So even fast notes (stacks blown past counters can be checked per counting machine. Verification of notes, receipts etc can be put on cloud!

Hard work

Ahead is doing these from 4 magics not detailed
1 sq-rt
2 key retraction
3 auto undo ability at year end
4 Unique marking of objects

Not disclosing them is enough Failure to reverse engineer even one gives me a universe to exploit. Neither is easy or disclosed.


Can be disclosed in terms of opaque basis. To be worked are

  1. Uneditable bits – whether encrypted or not like text sound video and software.
  2. Encrypted aaqgs-private (without-nobus-NSA, with police-unsafe corruption-OK) IBE email
  3. Untappable When ready (end of year), now that Bugs have been overcome for long, sq-rt encryption will be partnered for free (ad) magic- checksum, one-year-long-safe-email, my-telephone-set-safe-call aaqgs-responsible-letter. Then my company will develop aaqgs-must-pay-producer and aaqgs-safe-banknote. Has to be an IBE.
  4. aaqgs-responsible-letter (aaqgs-private encrypted IBE multimedia) aaqgs-generated aaqgs-question.
  5. aaqgs-must-pay-producer
  6. aaqgs-safe-banknote
  7. aaqgs-internet
  8. aaqgs-IoT

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