Thursday, January 5, 2017

Mixed Reality

One knows AR or augmented reality and VR or virtual reality. AR extends current reality so is essentially a transparent screen on which images are projected at real time. VR is an opaque screen on which the reality is projected. MR varies the translucence of the screen so that reality is some what in between. Of course, I think easily done if use for it, can be computer controlled translucence. Note that composition of picture in VR can be by some sort of AR, in which case VR subsumes AR. Also the VR screen can be split, or AR can have a VR portion, which allows VR users to have some environment sense even while busy with VR image.

Given that, billion dollar question is what is next windows? Current windows can be considered to be a software executive with a graphical shell. The GUI technology has no windows requirement and various Linux systems with guise are even better than windows. Not generally known is the git model done as successor to Linux. Even though strictly code management system, very technical and hence boring, there are some exciting ideas I derived from it, relevant to MR and aaqgs-shell which I think is next after windows, although very less likely. To fire me up is the application to prove or disprove – 3D paint. People could build their own GUI commands (not needed later) using paint-2D and also there own active images and sketches. HTML-5 allows people to build clever compositions. What is needed is clever ways to sketch the 3D atoms and photograph them. Then the composition play happens on fresh background (VR), overlaid (AR) or computer-controlled MR.

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